(5)官网链接:Engineering - Programme - CUHK Graduate School | Postgraduate Admissions (6)往届毕业生分享:Master of Science in Information Engineering (7)22fall offer案例: 本科英本,一等, tl:10.30-1.7推研-1.24offer 本科末流985 CS 均分83 雅思7(6)tl:10/20-1/7推研 本科985 89.16 雅思7(6) 有...
Master Business Administration 申请难度: 校友评分: 专业简介 CUHK香港中文大学MBA工商管理专业开设在香港中文大学商学院下为期两年的硕士项目,设置了两个可选课程方向:I.金融技术:世界正在经历数字化转型,这在金融领域最为明显。 CUHK MBA 提供急需的技术和金融技能,专注于分析和批判性思维,所有这些对于帮助您在竞争激...
and was signed by Professor Martin Wong, CUHK’s Dean of Engineering, and Brit Blakeney, Head of Innovation & Ecosystems, DBS Hong Kong. Under the MOU, students of the Master of Science in Financial Technology programme will gain first-hand experience...
1、Master of Laws (LLM) in Chinese Business Law 中国商法硕士 https://www.law.cuhk.edu.hk/app/study-with-us/master-of-laws-llm-in-chinese-business-law/#tab2 (1)INTRODUCTION AND WELCOME 项目介绍 The LLM in Chinese Business Law (CBL) provides a structured and specialized programme of ...
03.18 面试 --- 原文引自: https://forum.chasedream.com/thread-1378958-1-1.html 参与讨论及查看更多的相关文章请访问【商学院Master申请区】 https://forum.chasedream.com/forum-14-1.html