outstanding solar energy capturing system that meets requirements like affordability, widespread availability, eco-friendliness, remarkable efficiency, and enduring stability, thorough investigations have been carried out to explore the possibilities presented by 'Delafossite' copper gallium oxide (CuGaO _2 )...
The band structure of CuGaO/ZnSO heterojunction is studied by using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The valance band offset of CuGaO/ZnSO is calculated to be 0.38eV by using the Kraut equation. The device shows a responsivity of 3.78mA/W and a detectivity of 1.16×1010 Jones under 365nm ...
Thermodynamic and kinetic stabilities of CuAlO2 and CuGaO2 have been evaluated by using thermogravimetry and thermodynamic calculations. It has been revealed that CuAlO2 and CuGaO2 are not thermodynamically stable in air below 800 °C and 1,200 °C, respectively, and that the oxidation reaction,...
-CuGaO2 chalcopyrite-delafossite system doi:10.1002/pssb.201451013HIGH-pressure solid-state phase transformationsCHALCOPYRITE crystalsCHEMICAL formulasSTOICHIOMETRIC combustionSPHALERITEPhase formation under high pressure in the chalcopyrite-delafossite system has been studied at 5 GPa and 500...
ChemInform Abstract: Stabilization of CuIII under High Pressure in Sr2CuGaO5copper, Cugallium, Gastrontium, Srstructure (solids and liquids)dielectric properties, magnetic propertiesChemInform is a weekly Abstracting Service, delivering concise information at a glance that was extracted from about 100 ...
通论cugao法学政法被告人考试 20062006200620062007200720072007课程名称:课程名称:课程名称:《《法学通论法学通论法学通论课程代号:课程代号:课程代号:042040300420403004204030考试形式:闭卷考试形式:闭卷考试形式:闭卷使用对象:全日制非法学专业本科生使用对象:全日制非法学专业本科生使用对象:全日制非法学专业本科生题号题号题...
标题:消肿痛醋膏 拼音名:Xiaozhongtong Cugao 标准编号:WS3-B-1214-92 【处方】 黄柏 125g 生半夏 125g 伸筋草 125g 五倍子(面炒,去虫) 125g 【制法】 以上四味,粉碎成细粉,过筛,混匀,加入米醋1200~1300ml,武火加热,充分搅拌,沸后停止加热,继续搅拌5分钟,加入甘油25ml,搅匀,放凉,即得。
We calculated the structural parameters, elastic, mechanical, electronic and optical properties of 3R- and 2H-CuGaO 2 using the first-principles density-functional theory. The results show that the structural parameters of two phases are in good agreement with previous theoretical and experimental ...
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