CUET PG Answer Key 2023 RELEASED! NTA has released the CUET answer key 2023 on the official website: Updated as on July 13, 2023 at 8.36 CUET PG Provisional Answer Key 2023: Check Marking Scheme Here The CUET PG 2023 answer key...
For every wrong answer, you will lose one mark! Here's how the marking scheme for the exam works, even when there are discrepancies: If all options are found to be correct, then five marks (+5) will be awarded to all those who have attempted to answer the question. If none of the ...
Below we have given the detailed marking scheme of CUET PG 2025: In CUET PG exam, each question asked in exam will carryfourmarks. For eachcorrect answer, applicants will getfourmarks. In case ofwrong answer, one markwill be deducted from the total marks. To attempt all the questions in ...
7. What is the marking scheme for CUET 2024 examination? One mark will be awarded for every correct answer, and ¼ will be deducted for each wrong answer. 8. How can I prepare for the CUET syllabus in 5 months? Anyone with a good understanding of the subject can complete CUET’s syl...
CUET PG Result 2023: Marking Scheme NTA follows a marking scheme when evaluating the PG response sheets. As per the criteria followed - Each correct answer will be marked +5 Incorrect answers will be awarded -1 Questions unanswered will have 0 marks ...
Criteria Details Mode Offline Medium English/Language Chosen in Section I Duration 60 minutes Type of Questions Objective Number of Questions (to be attempted) 50 questions CUET Total Marks 250 Marking Scheme Correct Answer: +5 Incorrect Answer: -1 Unattempted Answer: 0...
Marking Scheme Correct Answer: 5 marks Incorrect Answer: Deduction of 1 mark (negative marking) Mode of Exam Computer Based Test (CBT) Total Questions 50 questions per test paper; all are compulsory Duration 60 minutes per test paper Exam Shifts Conducted in multiple shifts, depending on...
18 May 2023 CUET UG 2023 Exam dates revised CUET UG 2023 Exam City Intimation slip out CUET 2023 Notification will be released soon CUET UG Result 2022 will be declared today CUET UG 2022 Answer Key released French President Macron Arrives at White House | Meeting with U.S President Donald ...
As per the CUET marking scheme 2025, 5 marks will be awarded for each correct answer. 1 mark will be deducted for each incorrect answer. No marks will be given for unanswered or marked-for-review questions. If more than 1 option is correct, 5 marks will be awarded to those who select...
The CUET Section III comprises the General Test which allot only one hour. In the general test of the CUET entrance exam, candidates would have to answer 50 questions out of a total of 50 questions, however, the NTA does not specify any question paper weightage for each section. In 60 mi...