复制从cudaArray纹理中获取的3D OpenGL的内容 、、 }; { .height = 512,}; 第一次尝试:线阵std::uint8_t* linear_array{nullptr}; 然而,上面的代码在调用cudaMemcpy3D时生成一个 浏览7提问于2022-01-13得票数 0 回答已采纳 1回答 CUDA 5.5中的cudaMemcpy3D设置问题 、 我试着用cudaMemcpy3D做一个简单...
可能还会有数据产出(也就是说同步等于没同步) 存储方式:这个效率太慢了,要是数据量少还好,我们使...
Hello all! I’ve been browsing the forums and the internet in general to try to understand the proper usage of cudaMemcpy3D. I am able to successfully copy an array from the host to the device: void foo(void* mem_host, …
I’m working with 3-dimensional float array and I’m facing some problems. Even though I’m able to allocate memory and copy it, it looks like I’m not able to access the new space from the pitched pointer in the device code…
JCuda.cudaMemcpy3DNative介绍 暂无 代码示例 代码示例来源:origin: org.nd4j/nd4j-jcublas-common returncheckResult(cudaMemcpy3DNative(p)); 代码示例来源:origin: org.nd4j/jcuda-windows64 returncheckResult(cudaMemcpy3DNative(p)); 代码示例来源:origin: org.nd4j/jcuda ...
returncheckResult(cudaMemcpy3DNative(p)); 代码示例来源:origin: org.nd4j/jcuda-windows64 returncheckResult(cudaMemcpy3DNative(p)); 代码示例来源:origin: org.nd4j/jcuda returncheckResult(cudaMemcpy3DNative(p)); 代码示例来源:origin: org.jcuda/jcuda ...
方法名:cudaMemcpy3DPeerAsyncNative JCuda.cudaMemcpy3DPeerAsyncNative介绍 暂无 代码示例 代码示例来源:origin: org.nd4j/nd4j-jcublas-common returncheckResult(cudaMemcpy3DPeerAsyncNative(p,stream)); 代码示例来源:origin: org.nd4j/jcuda-windows64
Hello! I’ve seen people having problems with cudamemcpy3d, read some threads about their problems; however no one seems to actually know how this function works. I’m having a few questions : If the returned cudaError i…
一.移动数据文件: -- 可以用ALTER DATABASE,ALTER TABLESPACE两种方法移动数据文件。 1. ALTER D...
我们正带领大家开始阅读英文的《CUDA C Programming Guide》,今天是第30天,我们正在讲解性能,希望在接...