CUDA Error: unknown errordarknet: ./src/cuda.c:36: check_error: Assertion `0' failed.已放弃 (核心已转储)然后想测试cuda8.0是否正确运行,就出现了这个错误:./deviceQuery./deviceQuery Starting... CUDA Device Query (Runtime API) version (CUDART static linking)cudaGetDeviceCount returned 30-> unknown...
CUDA/caffe ERROR:cudaGetDeviceCount returned 30/35,Check failed: error == cudaSuccess (30/35 vs. 0) 解决方法 在双显卡系统中,cuda运行时NVIDAI显卡必须是当前使用的显卡,否则无法获取GPU设备,cudaGetDeviceCount函数会报错,错误码35。 使用nvidia-prime切换到N卡时,如果只是按照提示logout,再重新login是不行的,...
CUDA Device Query (Runtime API) version (CUDART static linking) cudaGetDeviceCount returned 30 -> unknown error Result = FAIL this is with NVIDIA-SMI 418.67 EDIT: I should note that I build my own containers and install cuda-10.0 using the local .deb file, following official instructions. ...
cudaError_t error = cudaGetLastError();if( cudaSuccess != error ) {fprintf(stderr,"[GPUJPEG] [Error] Failed to initialize CUDA device.\n");if( flags & GPUJPEG_OPENGL_INTEROPERABILITY )fprintf(stderr,"[GPUJPEG] [Info] OpenGL interoperability is used, is OpenGL context available?\n");ret...
() with this device)", "Unknown", NULL }; printf(" Compute Mode:\n"); printf(" < %s >\n", sComputeMode[deviceProp.computeMode]); } // If there are 2 or more GPUs, query to determine whether RDMA is supported if (deviceCount >= 2) { cudaDeviceProp prop[64]; int gpuid[64...
cudaError_t error = cudaGetLastError();if( cudaSuccess != error ) {fprintf(stderr,"[GPUJPEG] [Error] Failed to initialize CUDA device.\n");if( flags & GPUJPEG_OPENGL_INTEROPERABILITY )fprintf(stderr,"[GPUJPEG] [Info] OpenGL interoperability is used, is OpenGL context available?\n");ret...