通常,cuda_include_dirs是CUDA头文件所在的目录,例如/usr/local/cuda/include。 cuda_cudart_library是CUDA运行时库文件所在的路径,例如/usr/local/cuda/lib64/libcudart.so。 如果这些路径与你的CUDA安装路径不符,你可能需要在CMakeLists.txt文件中手动指定它们。 在CMake中配置CUDA: 如果你的项目使用CMake进行构...
This PR adds cuda_lib_dir to library_dirs, and allows changing the UCX/RMM/Thrust/spdlog lib/include dirs via envvars. This enables running setup.py when these libraries aren't in the default locat...
cmake 找不到cuda Could Not find CUDA(missing:CUDA_INCLUDE_DIRS CUDA_CUDART_LIBRARY),程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
Hello, I am using ROS2 ELOQUENT and i am trying to build zed-ros2-wrapper and i get the below error.attached the image. I have tried with both master branch and eloquent branch but i get the same error. Please support! OS: Ubuntu OS 18.0...
Make sure that you have installed CUDA Toolkit and cuDNN Library correctly on your system. Check if the path to the CUDA toolkit is set in the environment variables. You can do this by running the commandecho $PATHin the terminal. The output should include the path to the CUDA toolkit. ...