cudaMalloc((void**)&d_a,SIZE*sizeof(float)) cudaMallocPitch((void**)&devPtr, &pitch, width * sizeof(int), height) make_cudaExtent(width * sizeof(float), height, depth) cudaMallocHost cudaHostRegister cudaMallocManaged 3.2.6. Asynchronous Concurrent Execution parallel = operate concurrently...
CUDA comes with a software environment that allows developers to use C as a high-level programming language. As illustrated byFigure 4, other languages, application programming interfaces, or directives-based approaches are supported, such as FORTRAN, DirectCompute, OpenACC. Figure 4. GPU Computing ...
不能使用 cudaMalloc() 来申请(实验表明只能获得空指针)或 cudaMemset()(限定 __host__ 函数)和 cudaFree() (函数不配套)。 ● 主机中使用 cudaMalloc() 仅受限于可使用的设备内存,而设备代码中中使用 malloc() 受限于设备堆内存申请上限参数 cudaLimitMallocHeapSize,可能需要在申请前临时修改(类似修改 printf...
iiCUDACProgrammingGuideVersion4.1TableofContents Chapter1.Introduction...1 1.1FromGraphicsProcessingtoGeneral-PurposeParallelComputing...1 1.2CUDA™:aGeneral-PurposeParallelComputingArchitecture...3 1.3AScalableProgrammingModel...4 1.4Document’sStructure......
作为使用nvcc编译CUDA C ++设备代码的替代方法,NVRTC可用于在运行时将CUDA C ++设备代码编译为PTX。 NVRTC是用于CUDA C ++的运行时编译库;有关更多信息,请参见《 NVRTC用户指南》。 Binary Compatibility 二进制代码是特定于体系结构的。 使用指定目标体系结构的编译器选项-code生成cubin对象:例如,使用-code = sm...
[翻译]CUDA-C-Programming-Guide Maximize InstructionThroughput 技术标签: CUDA5.4 最大化指令吞吐量 为了达到最大的指令吞吐量,程序应该: 最小化使用低吞吐量的计算指令;有以下方法:在不影响结果的情况下以精度换取执行速度,比如使用指令来代替内置函数,用单精度代替双浮点精度,或者将非归一化数据刷新为0. 最小化...
主要内容来源于NVIDIA的官方文档《CUDA C Programming Guide》,结合了另一本书《CUDA并行程序设计 GPU编程指南》的知识。 因此在翻译总结官方文档的同时,会加一些评注,不一定对,望大家讨论指出。 另外,我才不会老老实实的翻译文档,因此细节还是需要从文档里看的。
CUDA C PROGRAMMING GUIDE PG-02829-001_v8.0 | June 2017 Design Guide CHANGES FROM VERSION 7.5 ‣ Updates to add compute capabilities 6.0, 6.1 and 6.2, including: ‣ Updated Table 13 to mention support of 64-bit floating point atomicAdd on devices of compute capabilities 6.x. ‣ Added ...
2. Programming Model This chapter introduces the main concepts behind the CUDA programming model by outlining how they are exposed in C. Full code for the vector addition example used in this chapter and the next can be found in the vectorAdd CUDA sample. ...
技术标签:deep-learningCUDA 本系列为《解读CUDA C Programming Guide》. 本书旨在介绍进行CUDA并行优化的C编程指导。共5章,内容分别是: Introduction Programming Model Programming Inter... ...