通常,这个目录是/usr/local/cuda-11.8/。 bash cd /usr/local/cuda-11.8/ 运行cuda-uninstaller: 在CUDA Toolkit的安装目录下,有一个名为cuda-uninstaller的脚本,用于卸载CUDA Toolkit。运行这个脚本开始卸载过程。 bash sudo ./cuda-uninstaller 你需要使用sudo权限来运行这个脚本,因为它需要访问和修改系统级的...
5 sudoapt-get --purge remove'cuda*'# remove all the cuda sudoapt-get autoremove --purge cuda sudodpkg -i ./cuda-repo-ubuntu1604-8-0-local-ga2_8.0.61-1_amd64.deb sudoapt-get update sudoapt-getinstallcuda-8.0
Uninstall fails saying it doesn't have appropriate permissions and to re-run with sudo. $ brew cask uninstall cuda ==> Uninstalling Cask cuda ==> Running uninstall process for cuda; your password may be necessary ==> Running uninstall script /Developer/NVIDIA/CUDA-8.0/bin/uninstall_cuda_8.0....
This function existed to uninstall the CUDAResources paclet which contained the CUDA Toolkit and certain Wolfram libraries. The Wolfram libraries are now included with the core CUDALink paclet. The CUDA Toolkit now needs to be uninstalled by the user.
CUDA-Z删除步骤 CUDA-Z删除图解 1打开金山毒霸的 【软件管家】工具 2点击软件管家【卸载】页面 3选择软件,点击【卸载】或 【闪电卸载】,即可 4打开【金山毒霸】首页点击 【垃圾清理】扫描软件卸载 残留 5点击一键清理,等待清理完毕 即可完成软件残留清理 ...
nvidia-cuda-toolkit install and uninstall nvidia-smi apt install nvidia-cuda-toolkit # apt install nvidia-cuda-toolkit but after that, the nvidia-smi cannot be working. (launcher) root@ip-172-31-33-152:~# nvidia-smi Failed to initialize NVML: Driver/library version mismatch...
I try to remove the old cuda version and install the newest version on wsl. I updated the nvidia driver on my windows,and use runfile to install cuda toolkit(wsl-ubuntu ver.) on wsl. but when I tried to compile my cuda program,nvcc report that `no cuda ...
Steps to reproduce: in a shell, run: mamba create -n condaforgecuda cudatoolkit mamba uninstall -n condaforgecuda cudatoolkit First line works fine, second fails with: Removing specs: ['cudatoolkit'] Transaction Prefix: /nfs/nhome/live/p...
This might seem very trivial but I am very new to CUDA and stuuf. So I installed CUDA 9.0 and cudnn 7, but later I found out that I require CUDA 8 and cudnn 6 in my environment. So I would like to uninstall CUDA 9 and cudnn 7. I installed using the package manager. The insta...
安装cuda10.2报错:[ERROR]: boost::filesystem::remove: Directory not empty: "/var/log/nvidia/.uninstallManifests/" 参考https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_44633882/article/details/108614914,将命令改为:sudo ./cuda_10.2.89_440.33.01_linux.run --librarypath=/usr/local/cuda-10.2即可...