Npp32f* b_plane = (Npp32f*)(mCudaBuffers[0] + dst_width*dst_height*2*sizeof(float) ); Npp32f* dst_planes[3] = {r_plane, g_plane, b_plane}; CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemcpy(mCudaImg,, img.step[0]*img.rows, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)); nppiResize_8u_C3R( (Npp8u*)mCudaImg...
CUDA npp运动检测模块性能测试 测试环境: Cpu: Intel(R)Core(TM)i7-4790 CPU @3.6GHZ GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX960 *2 操作系统: Windows 7 专业版 64位操作系统 内存: 安装内存(RAM) 16.0GB 显存: 4g*2 注: 1. 上述测试的每一路对应主机程序的一个线程。 2. 上述的所有测试不考虑主机和内存之间的数...
cuda npp库旋转图片 1#include <stdio.h>2#include <stdlib.h>3#include <string.h>4#include <assert.h>5#include <math.h>6#include <windows.h>7#include <FreeImage.h>8#include <cuda_runtime.h>9#include <npp.h>101112#pragmacomment(lib, "FreeImage.lib")13#pragmacomment(lib, "cudart.lib...
Update calls to Nvidia's NPP library to use the newer NppStreamContext API introduced in CUDA 10.1 (release notes) Although this was introduced in CUDA 10.1 at that point not all of the functions e...
NVIDIA NPP is a library of functions for performing CUDA accelerated processing. The initial set of functionality in the library focuses on imaging and video processing and is widely applicable for developers in these areas. NPP will evolve over time to encompass more of the compute heavy tasks ...
CudaImageProcessing ROS based image resize & compressed & togray scale using CUDA(NPP, nvJPEG) Development Enviroments Ubuntu 16.04 LTS ROS Kinetic MX150 (Driver v410.78) CUDA v9.0 NPP v9.0.225 nvJPEG v0.1.5 Supported color channel Image Resize -- Only Supported [RGB8, RGBA8, RGB16, RGBA...