set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 但请注意,Windows中通常不直接支持CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES作为环境变量来限制GPU可见性,因为Windows的CUDA管理机制与Linux/macOS不同。不过,您可以在启动命令行窗口之前设置这个环境变量,以确保它在该会话中有效。 2. 检查CUDA和GPU驱动的安装情况 ...
curl -L`uname -s`-`uname -m` -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose 安装完成后使用 -v命令查看是否安装成功: 二、命令 可使用docker-compose -help命令查看命令的用法: root@ubuntu...
docker-compose start [SERVICE...] docker-compose restart [options] [SERVICE...]:重启项目中的服务 docker-compose rm [options] [SERVICE...]:删除所有(停止状态的)服务容器,-f 强制删除,包括非停止状态 -v 删除容器所挂载的数据卷。 docker-compose pause [SERVICE...]:暂停一个服务容器。 docker-compo...
docker files docker-compose-cpu.yml docker-compose-cuda.yml dust3r mast3r .gitignore .gitmodules CHECKPOINTS_NOTICE LICENSE NOTICE requirements.txt visloc.pyBreadcrumbs mast3r /docker/...
docker run --rm --gpus all nvidia/cuda nvidia-smi不应该返回CUDA Version: N/A,如果所有东西(...
If you're not on NixOS, but have installed Docker + Nvidia container toolkit successfully, and pass the tests mentioned in step 02 Follow the guide from step 03. Step 03 : Setup Docker Compose with GPU device access Step 04 : Prepare a base Python image with DL libraries Step 05 : Pre...
Figure 5. Two rays emanating from a camera toward the faces in the scene; one face is visible while the other is occluded. The nature of the use of ray tracing to solve the visibility problem makes it an problem when implemented as a direct calculation. Fortunately, NVIDIA has developed a...
0 问题 今天跑了一下程序,报了如下的OOM错误 ResourceExhaustedError: OOM when allocating tensor with...
期望可以通过CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,...参数设置多张GPU卡, python3 -m qanything_kernel.qanything_server.sanic_api --host --port 8777 --model_size 7B 可以正常运行 运行环境 | Environment -OS:Ubuntu22.04.4 LTS-NVIDIA Driver: 550.54.14-CUDA:12.4-docker: 纯Python环境安装-dock...