Volume Render 是CUDA 2.0 Beta版新加入的一個範例,主要是直接透過 3D Texture 來做 Volume 的 Ray marching。 關於Volume Rendering 這項技術,可以先去參考維基百科的說明:「立體渲染」。不過還是大概提一下,Volume Rendering 實際上在醫學方面其實相當普遍;主要是一般的斷層掃描都是一張一張的平面影像,把這些平面...
to accelerate ray marching (much more faster!)python main_nerf.py data/fox --workspace trial_nerf --fp16 --ff --cuda_ray#fp16 mode + FFMLP + cuda raymarching#start a GUI for NeRF training & visualization#always use with `--fp16 --ff/tcnn --cuda_ray` for an acceptable framerate...
学习CUDA编程基础知识:首先需要学习CUDA编程的基础知识,包括CUDA的体系结构和编程模型,CUDA kernel的语法...
1、学习CUDA编程:要自定义CUDA kernel,需要首先掌握CUDA编程的基础知识。例如CUDA C/C++编程语言、CUDA...
lighting/: different lighting models and functions for foward/deferred/raymarching rendering geometry/: operation related to geometries: intersections and AABB accelerating structures. morphological/: morphological filters: dilation, erosion, alpha and poisson fill. ...
This sample is an implementation of a simple line-of-sight algorithm: Given a height map and a ray originating at some observation point, it computes all the points along the ray that are visible from the observation point. The implementation is based on the Thrust library. Supported SM Arc...
This sample is an implementation of a simple line-of-sight algorithm: Given a height map and a ray originating at some observation point, it computes all the points along the ray that are visible from the observation point. The implementation is based on the parallel scan primitive provided by...
$ pip install . 基本示例 下面给出了计算随机 3D 向量长度的第一个程序示例: import warp as wp import numpy as np wp.init()num_points=1024@wp.kernel def length(points: wp.array(dtype=wp.vec3), lengths: wp.array(dtype=float)):# thread indextid=wp.tid()# compute distance of each point...
kernelMarchingCubesVertices.Run(directResource.GetMappedPointer(), voxelsDev.DevicePointer, prefixSumsDev.DevicePointer, offsetsDev.DevicePointer, width, height, depth, nearestW, nearestH, nearestD); directResource.UnMap(); directResource.Dispose(); ...