用CUDA加速Ray Tracing in One Weekend- 上 dousha 为了突破深度学习瓶颈,去学习CUDA及TensorRT加速工具,真的有用吗? 一、背景2020年至今,深度学习模型少有突破性进展,尽管学术界一直在炒大规模预训练模型,但是能玩得起的机构少之又少,更别提具体应用落地了。但是,深度学习终究还是要服务于企业,只有能… 深蓝学院...
Ray tracing通常译作“光线跟踪”,而ray casting通常译作“光线投射”。个人觉得两者区别不是很大。Ray tracing是逆向跟踪射入virtual camera的光线,在光线与场景物体的交点处累积来自光源的直接辐照量和反射、折射而来的间接辐照量;而ray casting是向三维数据场投射出光线,然后沿着光线方向积分,数值化方法为由前往后或由...
ray_tracing<<<GRID,BLOCK>>>(img_cuda); for(int i=0;i<FRAMES;i++){ uchar* t = img_cuda+DIM*DIM*3*i; cudaMemcpy(img.data,t,DIM*DIM*3*sizeof(uchar),cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); sprintf(name,"./tracing/%d.bmp",i); imwrite(name,img); } cudaFree(img_cuda); return 0; } 核函...
CUDA编程 之CUDA_RayTracing,使用Visual Studio 2005打开文件夹中的CUDA_raytracing.sln文件,查看编写.cpp文件和.cu文件代码,设置CUDA-SDK、Cg、AntTweakBar等路径等并最终通过编译有一简单的文档
本文将综合《Ray Tracing in One Weekend》和《GPU高性能编程CUDA实战》两本书的内容,带你进入CUDA光追的神奇世界。 第零步:安装cuda_by_example工具 《GPU高性能编程CUDA实战》中有一章是一个简易的光线追踪,要运行那个程序,我们必须安装书中提供的工具,链接如下: ...
Ray tracing is a rendering technique widely used in computer graphics. In short, the principle of ray tracing is to trace the path of the light through each pixel, and simulate how the light beam encounters an object. Unlike rasterization technique which focuses on the realistic geometry of obj...
Chang, "Real-time ray tracing with cuda," Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, pp. 327- 337, 2009.Min Shih , Yung-Feng Chiu , Ying-Chieh Chen , Chun-Fa Chang, Real-Time Ray Tracing with CUDA, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures ...
GPU acceleration of smallpt with CUDA. Obtain an acceleration of >35x comparing to the original CPU-parallelized code with OpenMP - cuda-raytracing/smallpt/main.cu at master · navining/cuda-raytracing
Ray tracing is a rendering technique widely used in computer graphics. In short, the principle of ray tracing is to trace the path of the light through each pixel, and simulate how the light beam encounters an object. Unlike rasterization technique which focuses on the realistic geometry of obj...