new_config用于返回自定义config类并进行配置 getOutputDimensions返回layer处理后的tensor大小 enqueue实现具体推理工作 SetupPlugin() 主要实现enqueue RegisterPlugin(): onnxplugin.hpp中, 知识点 对插件进行了封装,使得用起来更简单 在onnx-tensorrt中添加了onnxplugin.cpp,实现对IPluginV2DynamicExt的封装 在onnx-te...
官方提醒:If you initially ran Docker CLI commands using sudo before adding your user to the docker group, you may see the following error 如果运行上面指令出现一下报错: WARNING: Error loading config file: /home/user/.docker/config.json - stat /home/user/.docker/config.json: permission denied...
Note:The.bashrcfile is a hidden shell script found within your home directory that is executed each time you initiate a new interactive terminal session within the Bash shell. It includes commands for setting up your environment, like environment variables, aliases, and functions, which customize a... NOTICE docker build assets.Dockerfile devdeps.Dockerfile devdeps.ext.Dockerfile devdeps.manylinux.Dockerfile devdeps.ompi.Dockerfile release config/.vscode c_cpp_properties.json cuda-quantum...
其中可以传入一个叫plugin的参数,用来指定使用的图像解码库。官方文档有如下介绍:“By default, the different plugins are tried (starting with the Python Imaging Library) until a suitable candidate is found. If not given and fname is a tiff file, the tifffile plugin will be used...
Verify the CPU setup: python -c"import tensorflow as tf; print(tf.reduce_sum(tf.random.normal([1000, 1000])))" If a tensor is returned, you’ve installed TensorFlow successfully. Verify the GPU setup: python -c"import tensorflow as tf; print(tf.config.list_physical_devices('GPU'))" ...
python3 -m pip install --no-build-isolation -e . # 这一句要根据具体项目来,反正就是重装项目的包 python3 install --user # 重新setup,一般这个setup文件跟ur5_kin_cuda和franka_kin_cuda相关 debug起码花了一个多小时,但其实解决方法很简单。
export CMAKE_ARGS='-DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=ON' export VERBOSE=1 python3 bdist_wheel --build-type=Debug See this issue for more discussion:opencv#424 Source distributions Since OpenCV version 4.3.0, also source distributions are provided in PyPI. This means that if your system is...
修改Makefile.config,去掉cudnn的注释,其他的在当前应用场景可不变。 make all make test make runtest 10. 安装matlab: Many Tutorials online, we just ignore this part here. 11. can not find "hdf5.h": # Whatever else you find you need goes here. ...
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> TypeError: 'str' object is not callable >>> tf.__version__ '2.3.0' >>> tf.config.list_physical_devices('GPU') 2023-06-06 09:53:59.713062: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Successfully opened dynamic ...