可以根据核函数执行时间与矩阵 A, B 的大小, 推算出有效显存带宽 // 数据传输的字节数(写 + 读) / 执行时间 // 在 copy 例子中, 因为是合并访问, 所以有效显存带宽为 2 * N * N / T __global__ void copy(const real *A, real *B, const int N) { // 核函数...
streams_result[i*segment_size:(i+1)*segment_size]=z_streams_device[i*segment_size:(i+1)*segment_size].copy_to_host(stream=stream_list[i])cuda.synchronize()print("gpu streams vector add time "+str(time()-start))if(np.array_equal(default_stream_result,streams_result)):print("result c...
cudaMemcpy(dev_ptr, &host_data, sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); printf("host, copy %.2f to global variable\n", host_data); AddGlobalVariable<<<1, 1>>>(); cudaMemcpy(&host_data, dev_ptr, sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); printf("host, get %.2f from global variabl...
m). Now, if we take the thread id and feed it into a mod-mLCG, each thread will still have a unique identifier, but the ordering will have changed pseudorandomly. Note that this LCG provides low statistical quality; however, we found that in this context, low quality ...
numba.cuda.to_device(obj, stream=0, copy=True, to=None) numba.cuda.copy_to_host(self, ary=None, stream=0) 核函数调用的地方除了要写清执行配置,还要加一项stream参数: kernel[blocks_per_grid, threads_per_block, stream=0] 根据这些函数定义也可以知道,不指定stream参数时,这些函数都使用默认的0号...
如要将设备数组传输回主机内存,我们可以使用 copy_to_host() 方法: In [ ] out_host = out_device.copy_to_host() print(out_host[:10]) 您可能会认为,此处比较的对象类型并不相同,因为在使用设备数组时,我们并未对 to_device 调用执行基准测试;但在使用主机数组 a 和b 时,隐式数据传输会被纳入基准...
if (threadIdx.x == 0) { child_launch<<< 1, 256 >>>(data); cudaDeviceSynchronize(); } __syncthreads(); } void host_launch(int *data) { parent_launch<<< 1, 256 >>>(data); } D. Zero Copy Memory 零拷贝系统内存与全局内存具有相同的一致性和一致性保证,并遵循上面详述的语...
(int)*m*k)); // copy matrix A and B from host to device memory CHECK(cudaMemcpy(d_a, h_a, sizeof(int)*m*n, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)); CHECK(cudaMemcpy(d_b, h_b, sizeof(int)*n*k, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)); unsigned int grid_rows = (m + BLOCK_SIZE - 1) / BLOCK_SIZE...
The default behavior is for the driver to allocate and maintain its own copy of code. Note that this is only a memory usage optimization hint and the driver can choose to ignore it if required. Specifying this option with cudaLibraryLoadFromFile() is invalid and will return cudaErrorInvalid...
1//Copy data from host to device2cudaMemcpy(device_data, host_data, size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);34//Copy data from device to host5cudaMemcpy(host_data, device_data, size, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); 以上代码分别演示了如何从主机内存复制数据到设备内存,以及如何从设备内存复制数据到主机内存。CUDA...