注意:这里使用的是 thread_block_tile 模板化数据结构,并且组的大小作为模板参数而不是参数传递给 tiled_partition 调用。 C. Warp-Synchronous Code Pattern 开发人员可能拥有他们之前对 warp 大小做出隐含假设并围绕该数字进行编码的 warp 同步代码。 现在这需要明确指定。 __global__ void cooperative_kern...
pyd_build 文件夹下新建example.cpp、setup.py文件,并复制 cuda_code.cuh、cuda_code.dll、cuda_code.lib进来。 example.cpp 编写 pybind 封装命令. setup.py 编写打包命令。 example.cpp #include<pybind11/pybind11.h>#include"cuda_code.cuh"#pragma comment (lib, "cuda_code.lib")intcpu_cal(inti,intj...
[tid]; } } Code Example: SGEMV (with warp specialization) BLAS2: matrix-vector multiplication Two Instances of CudaDMA objects Compute Warps Vector DMA Warps Matrix DMA Warps __global__ void sgemv_cuda_dma(int n, int m, int n1, float alpha, float *A, float *x, float *y) { __...
threads_16 = 16import math@cuda.jit(device=True, inline=True) # inlining can speed up executiondef amplitude(ix, iy): return (1 + math.sin(2 * math.pi * (ix - 64) / 256)) * ( 1 + math.sin(2 * math.pi * (iy - 64) / 256) )# Example 2.5a: 2D Shared Arra...
1. // Allocate device memory for A, B, and C // copy A and B to device memory 2. // Kernel launch code –to have the device // to perform the actual vector addition 3. // copy C from the device memory // Free device vectors ...
#include<cuda.h>voidvecAdd(float* A,float* B,float* C,intn){intsize = n*sizeof(float);float* A_d, B_d, C_d; …1.// Allocate device memory for A, B, and C// copy A and B to device memory2.// Kernel launch code –to have the device// to perform the actual vector ad...
// Device code __global__ void VecAdd(float* A, float* B, float* C, int N) { int i = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x; if (i < N) C[i] = A[i] + B[i]; } // Host code int main() { int N = ...; size_t size = N * sizeof(float); // Allocate inp...
代码语言:javascript 复制 nvcc-c cuda_code.cu-o cuda_code.o g++-c main.cpp-o main.o g++cuda_code.o main.o-o cuda_cpp-lcudart-L/usr/local/cuda/lib64 这样,就可以将CUDA函数嵌入到C++程序中,并在运行时通过调用C++代码来触发CUDA函数的执行。
# Above this line, the code will remain exactly the same in the next version if tid == 0: partial_c[cuda.blockIdx.x] = s_block[0] # Example 4.6: A full dot product with mutex @cuda.jit def dot_mutex(mutex, a, b, c): ...
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