在这一步中,首先把原生C++不支持的语法,比如<<xx,xx>>,修改成对CUDA Runtime API的调用,然后调用通用的C++ compiler编译成目标文件。需要注意一点,在编译host code的时候,会把编译好的device code嵌入到host code中。在host code看来,device code其实就是一段数据。 对每一个.cu文件都执行单独的host code和dev...
之前的文章中:Pytorch拓展进阶(一):Pytorch结合C以及Cuda语言。我们简单说明了如何简单利用C语言去拓展Pytorch并且利用编写底层的.cu语言。这篇文章我们说明如何利用C++和Cuda去拓展Pytorch,同样实现我们的自定义功能。 为何使用C++ 之前已经提到了什么我们要拓展,而不是直接使用Pytorch提供的python函数去构建算法函数。
因为我们之前在 CPU 上编程,使用 g++ 或 gcc 进行编译,再通过 link 生成可执行程序。那么在 GPU 端,编译器就是 NVCC (NVIDIA Cuda compiler driver)。 通常我们会把和 GPU 相关的头文件放在 .h 文件里,把设备端执行的程序 (__global__ 定义的函数) 放在 .cu 文件里,这些程序我们用 NVCC 来进行编译。主...
CUDA accelerates applications across a wide range of domains from image processing, to deep learning, numerical analytics and computational science. More Applications Get Started with CUDA Get started with CUDA by downloading the CUDA Toolkit and exploring introductory resources including videos, code samp...
nvcc simple_add.cu -o simple_add --generate-code "arch=compute_50,code=[sm_50]" 可以多次重复以上选项,生成适用于多个GPU版本的代码: # only cubin code, but for sm_50 and sm_60 nvcc simple_add.cu -o simple_add --generate-code "arch=compute_50,code=[sm_50]" --generate-code "arch...
The CUDA compilation trajectory separates the device functions from the host code, compiles the device functions using the proprietary NVIDIA compilers and assembler, compiles the host code using a C++ host compiler that is available, and afterwards embeds the compiled GPU functions as fatbinary ...
Learn what's new in the CUDA Toolkit, including the latest and greatest features in the CUDA language, compiler, libraries, and tools—and get a sneak peek at what's coming up over the next year. Watch Now See All Customer Stories ...
The CUDA compilation trajectory separates the device functions from the host code, compiles the device functions using the proprietary NVIDIA compilers and assembler, compiles the host code using a C++ host compiler that is available, and afterwards embeds the compiled GPU functions as fatbinary ...
A set of libraries, libdevice.*.bc, that implement the common math functions for devices in the LLVM bitcode format. A set of samples that illustrate the use of the compiler SDK. Documents for the Compiler SDK (including the specification for LLVM IR, an API document for libnvvm, and an...
A compiler framework for translating standard C into optimized CUDA code. Zhu Q,Shen L,Gan X B,et al. International Conference on Human-Centric Computing and Embedded and Multimedia Computing . 2011Zhu Q,Shen L,Gan X B,et al.A compiler framework for translating standard C into optimized ...