传给kernel function的指针必须指向device memory(使用统一内存编程机制除外) kernel function不可以是class member function(但可以通过包个wrapper的方式变成class member function) 使用下面形式调用kernel function: dim3 grid_size(gx, gy, gz); dim3 block_size(bx, by, bz); kernel_func<<<grid_size,block_...
这里有一个坑,笔者一开始编译的时候会报编译错误,error 信息如下: error: static assertion failed with "You've instantiated std::aligned_storage<Len, Align> with an extended alignment (in other words, Align > alignof(max_align_t)). Before VS 2017 15.8, the member type would non-conformingly h...
Protected Member Functions inherited from nvinfer1::INoCopy Detailed Description An engine for executing inference on a built network, with functionally unsafe features. Warning Do not inherit from this class, as doing so will break forward-compatibility of the API and ABI. Constructor & Destructo...
CU_TARGET_COMPUTE_70 = 70 Compute device class 7.0. enum CUjitInputType Device code formats Values CU_JIT_INPUT_CUBIN = 0 Compiled device-class-specific device code Applicable options: none CU_JIT_INPUT_PTX PTX source code Applicable options: PTX compiler options CU_JIT_INPUT_FATBINARY Bundle...
template<class T> T surf1Dread(cudaSurfaceObject_t surfObj, int x, boundaryMode = cudaBoundaryModeTrap); 1. 2. 3. 使用坐标 x 读取由一维surface对象surfObj指定的 CUDA 数组。 B.9.1.2. surf1Dwrite template<class T> void surf1Dwrite(T data, ...
__device__member functions (including constructors and destructors) Inheritance / derived classes virtual functions class and function templates operators and overloading functor classes Edit: As of CUDA 7.0, CUDA C++ includes support for most language features of the C++11 standard in__device__code...
12 CUDA kernel as member function of a class 3 Member function of a C++ object as a CUDA __global__ function Related 3 CUDA cudaMemcpy: invalid argument 3 CUDA memory error 3 CUDA curand "An illegal memory access was encountered" 0 CUDA illegal memory access 2 CUDA, "illegal ...
不能在函数本地的类中定义扩展 lambda。例子:void foo(void) { struct S1_t { void bar(void) { // Error: bar is member of a class that is local to a function. auto lam4 = [] __host__ __device__ { return 0; }; } }; } 扩展lambda 的封闭函数不能推导出...
CUDA(withcomputecapability2.x)allowsasubsetofC++classfunctionality,forexamplememberfunctionsmaynotbevirtual(thisrestrictionwillberemovedinsomefuturerelease).?[SeeCUDACProgrammingGuide3.1–AppendixD.6] HYPERLINK"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_precision_floating-point_format"\o"Doubleprecisionfloating-point...
ndarray: class CudaArrayInterface: def __init__(self, gpu_mat: cv2.cuda.GpuMat): w, h = gpu_mat.size() type_map = { cv2.CV_8U: "|u1", cv2.CV_8S: "|i1", cv2.CV_16U: "<u2", cv2.CV_16S: "<i2", cv2.CV_32S: "<i4", cv2.CV_32F: "<f4", cv2.CV_64F: "<f8...