b = torch.rand(b_size, dtype=torch.float16, device="cuda") flush_cache() events[i][0].record() c = F.linear(a, b) events[i][1].record() flush_cache() events[i][2].record() c = F.linear(a, b) events[i][3].record() flush_cache() events[i][4].record() c = F....
dtype=torch.float16, device="cuda") flush_cache() events[i][0].record() c = F.linear(a, b) events[i][1].record() flush_cache() events[i][2].record() c = F.linear(a, b) events[i][3].record() flush_cache() events[i][4].record() c = F...
每个SM内部的SP之间,可以共享一块shared memory, 以及一块指令缓存用于存放指令、一块常量缓存(c-cache)用来存放常量数据,两个SFU(特殊运算单元,special function unit)用来做三角函数等较复杂运算,MT issue用来实现多线程下的取指,以及DP(Double Precision Unit)用来做双精度数。 除去一些运算单元之外,最重要的就是...
另外,CPU的跳转可能导致pipeline里很多工作要flush,断流对性能影响比较大,所以需要依靠分支预测和speculative execution来缓解影响。GPU跳转没有这些功能,跳转产生的延迟都要靠其他warp的运行来隐藏。不过,GPU的pipeline级数没有CPU那么多,而且指令Cache的命中率还是很高的,所以GPU跳转的开销并没有CPU分支预测失败那么大。GPU...
(i.e. failed calls to CUDA after cache flush)int64_tnum_ooms=0;};// Struct containing info of an allocation block (i.e. a fractional part of a cudaMalloc)..structBlockInfo{int64_tsize=0;boolallocated=false;boolactive=false;};// Struct containing info of a memory segment (i.e. ...
另外,CPU的跳转可能导致pipeline里很多工作要flush,断流对性能影响比较大,所以需要依靠分支预测和speculative execution来缓解影响。GPU跳转没有这些功能,跳转产生的延迟都要靠其他warp的运行来隐藏。不过,GPU的pipeline级数没有CPU那么多,而且指令Cache的命中率还是很高的,所以GPU跳转的开销并没有CPU分支预测失败那么大。
cudaFuncCachePreferL1 = 2 Prefer larger L1 cache and smaller shared memory cudaFuncCachePreferEqual = 3 Prefer equal size L1 cache and shared memory enum cudaGPUDirectRDMAWritesOrdering CUDA GPUDirect RDMA flush writes ordering features of the device Values cudaGPUDirectRDMAWritesOrderingNone ...
In addition to the core statistics, we also provide some simple event counters: - ``"num_alloc_retries"``: number of failed ``cudaMalloc`` calls that result in a cache flush and retry. - ``"num_ooms"``: number of out-of-memory errors thrown. - ``"num_sync_all_streams"``: ...
一次数据传输指的就是将 32 字节的数据从全局内存(DRAM)通过 32 字节的 L2 缓存片段(cache sector...
UTMACCTL TMA Cache Control UTMACMDFLUSH TMA Command Flush UTMALDG Tensor Load from Global to Shared Memory UTMAPF Tensor Prefetch UTMAREDG Tensor Store from Shared to Global Memory with Reduction UTMASTG Tensor Store from Shared to Global Memory Texture Instructions TEX Texture Fetch TLD Texture ...