2.chew the cudto reflect or think over something [Old Englishcudu,fromcwiduwhat has been chewed; related to Old Norsekvātharesin (for chewing), Old High Germanquitiglue, Sanskritjaturubber] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers ...
chew one's cud Fig.to think deeply; to be deeply involved in private thought. (Alludes to the cow's habit of bringing food back from the first stomach into the mouth to chew it, called chewing the cud.)He's chewing his cud about what to do next. ...
chew the cud 反刍;深思,细想,玩味 to chew 嚼 chew on 寻思,细想,仔细考虑 chew the food 寻思,玩味 chew the rag v.聊天,争论,发牢骚 chew off 嚼断 chew up 嚼碎, 毁坏, 消耗 chew upon 考虑 chew out 严厉批评,训斥 chew over 寻思,细想,仔细考虑 相似...
chew one's / the cud,Informal.to meditate or ponder; ruminate. Origin of cud 1 before 1000; Middle English; Old Englishcudu,variant ofcwiodu, cwidu;akin to Old High Germanquitiglue, Sanskritjaturesin, gum. Seequid1 Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary...
A deer is afraid when it it in an open field. It thinks that other animals might attack it. So it tears off big pieces of leaves and branches from bushes. But it does not chew them. It swallows them whole! This food gets stored in a special part of the deer’s stomach. When the...
Chew; Cudchoo, chu, (ma`aleh gerah, literally "bringing up" (American Revised Versions margin), i.e. "chewing the cud," from garar, "to roll," "ruminate"): One of the marks of cleanliness, in the sense of fitness for food, of a quadruped, given in Le 11:3 and De 14:6, ...
Cud definition: the portion of food that a ruminant returns from the first stomach to the mouth to chew a second time.. See examples of CUD used in a sentence.
chew the cud v. 深思熟虑; 反刍,深思; [例句]I will no longer chew the cud of misfortune that Fate ekes out to us.我将不再反复地思考命运给我们的不幸。相关推荐网上学习新概念英语好不好 青岛26中是局属学校吗 古时候考试成功为什么叫高中 大专学数控技术好吗 河南高考都考哪些科目 各科多少分 河南...
chew the cud是什么意思chew the cud英英释义chew the cud例句 最后更新时间:2024-11-23 12:57:40 chew the cud是什么意思 v. 反刍,深思 深思熟虑 chew the cud英英释义 phrase to think about deeply; ponder. chew the cud 例句 1.I will no longer chew the cud of misfortune that Fate ekes out ...
类似于 "cud" 的短语,可翻译成 中文 to chew the cud 反刍·反芻 chewing the cud 反刍·咀嚼反刍食物 chew the cud 反刍·反芻·呞·齝·齸 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“cud"翻译成 中文 变形 干 Why does the Bible classify the hare as a cud chewer? 圣经为什么说野兔是反刍动物?