Scroll to the bottom and click on the “Assign User” button. Find the appropriate user account and associate it with the line. Be sure and “Save” and “Apply Config” to make the change active. Note: If you already have a working IM Presence, this should already be done. Assigning ...
This document provides Structured Query Language (SQL) queries that can be run in the CLI in order to get the device information associated with an application user.
8. Save Settings Associate Remote Destination Profile with DN 1. Go to the Remote Destination Profile from the previous steps 2. ClickAdd a new DNinAssociation Information 3. Select the DN you wish to associate with this profile 4. Save Settings 5. Go back to End User profile and make sur...
VG-CME-1(config-sccp-ccm)# associate profile 666 register SecureCFB VG-CME-1(config)#dspfarm profile 666 conference security VG-CME-1(config-dspfarm-profile)# no shutdown 第六步:在CUCM上配置安全会议桥(Cisco Unified CM管理>媒体资源>会议桥>新增)。
This tells CUCM what number to associate with the phone that is being self-provisioned. Generally, a Primary Extension is configured after you associate a device with a user and select the DN on that device that should be the user's Primary. Of course, with SPIVR t...
dspfarm profile 2 conference codec g711ulaw codec g711alaw maximum sessions 12 associate application SCCP shutdown ! ! dial-peer voice 7000 voip description ***VoIP Dial-Peer to R3745*** destination-pattern 700. session target ipv4: incoming called-number 700. ! dial-peer voice...
Hello Maren Mahoney , My problem has not been resolved yet. We now use TAPS via UCCX without a user or prim extension. I want the same in combination with Self-prov. I see that I have to create a user with Pirmary extensions for each BAT file, which
VG-CME-1(config-sccp-ccm)# associate profile 666 register SecureCFBVG-CME-1(config)#dspfarm profile 666 conference securityVG-CME-1(config-dspfarm-profile)# no shutdown 手順6:CUCMでセキュアな会議ブリッジを設定します(Cisco Unified CM Administration >メ...
VG-CME-1(config-sccp-ccm)# associate ccm 666 priority 1 VG-CME-1(config-sccp-ccm)# associate profile 666 register SecureCFB VG-CME-1(config)#dspfarm profile 666 conference security VG-CME-1(config-dspfarm-profile)# no shutdown
Thus far my experience with Unity Connections has been absolutely horrible. I created a dummy user in CUCM but did not associate a device with it. Therefore the option to add a Unity Voicemail Box is not an option. In fact, even after I associated the dummy user...