Welcome to the architectural world of Hitoshi Saruta @ CUBO design architect. CUBO design architect‘s concept embodies affluence, universal comfort, and boundless creativity in architecture. As an international flagship brand, CUBO design architect offers clients with global residence designs that blend ...
马戏团-度假住宅 · 日本 | CUBO design architect “与汽车共度时光”是这座度假屋背后的核心概念,旨在为热爱汽车的屋主人和朋友们提供一处有趣的度假胜地。与带有内置车库的典型住宅相比,本项目的目标旨在营造出一种轻松的环境,模糊人、车和房间之间的界限。 ▼鸟瞰 屋主人希望这所度假屋能够具有灵活轻松的空间...
项目名称:T3住宅 建筑事务所:CUBO design architect 项目地点:kamakura city, kanagawa prefecture, japan 场地面积:7562.83 ft2 (702.61 m2) 施工面积:2951 ft2 (274.16 m2) 总建筑面积:5454.93 ft2 (506.78 m2) 施工方:daido industry co., ltd. shonan main store 周期:2018年5月——2019年9月 摄影版权...
http://t.cn/A6wc4zY1 T3住宅,日本 / CUBO design architect 体验抚慰人心的日式美学
Cnest / CUBO Design ArchitectArchdaily
Image 6 of 21 from gallery of C4L House / CUBO Design Architect. Photograph by Koji Fujii / TOREAL
We offer entire interior solutions from fitout design to full commercial fitouts or anything in between. We are happy to work with your preferred architect, or we can manage the design process for you, which will include at no extra cost, professionally qualified cost and project management ser...
cnest, Kanagawa, 2013 - CUBO design architectHitoshi Saruta
BLISS, Kanagawa Prefecture, 2014 - CUBO design architectHitoshi Saruta
Vectorworks BIM Design Software - Vectorworks Architect ULMA Architectural Solutions Ventilated Facades on Building in Pamplona Rieder Facades Concrete Facade - formparts Project galleryAbout this office Cubo Rojo Arquitectura Office •••Material...