针对你遇到的FAISS(Facebook AI Similarity Search)错误 assertion 'err == cublas_status_success' failed in void faiss::gpu::ru,这个错误通常与FAISS的GPU版本在使用CUDA库时遇到的问题有关。以下是一些可能的解决步骤和建议: 确认FAISS及其依赖项是否正确安装: 确保你已经正确安装了FAISS的GPU版本。可以通过FAI...
terminate called after throwing an instance of'dmlc::Error'what(): [16:42:29] /home/travis/build/dmlc/mxnet-distro/mxnet-build/3rdparty/mshadow/mshadow/./stream_gpu-inl.h:115: Check failed: err == CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS (1vs.0) : Create cublas handle failed Stack trace:***[bt] (6)...
I0930 21:23:15.115576 30918 solver.cpp:281] Learning Rate Policy: multistep F0930 21:23:17.263314 31011 math_functions.cu:121] Check failed: status == CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS (11 vs. 0) CUBLAS_STATUS_MAPPING_ERROR *** Check failure stack trace: *** F0930 21:23:17.264580 31013 math_func...
Faiss assertion 'err == CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS' failed in void faiss::gpu::runMatrixMult(faiss::gpu::Tensor<float, 2, true>&, bool, faiss::gpu::Tensor<T, 2, true>&, bool, faiss::gpu::Tensor<IndexType, 2, true>&, bool, float, float, cublasHandle_t, cudaStream_t) [with AT =...
h:7:10: fatal error: cublas_v2.h: No such file or directory #include <cublas_v2.h> ...
[TRT] [E] 2: [ltWrapper.cpp::setupHeuristic::349] Error Code 2: Internal Error (Assertion cublasStatus == CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS failed. ) #2123 Closed Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account? Sign in to comment Assignees No one assigned Label...
Check failed: status == CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS (13 vs. 0) CUBLAS_STATUS_EXECUTION_FAILED 2018-03-19 17:05 −... 甜豆儿 0 7197 Dubbo中消费端报错Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to check the status of th 2019-07-11 22:08 −消费端代码: @EnableAutoConfiguration public...
Check failed: status == CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS (11 vs. 0) CUBLAS_STATUS_MAPPING_ERROR 2017-09-30 13:26 − ... BlueOceans 2 5062 相关推荐 Dubbo中消费端报错Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to check the status of th 2019-07-11 22:08 − 消费端代码: @EnableAuto...
F031915:50:19.414253 22426 math_functions.cu:92] Check failed: status == CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS (13vs. 0) CUBLAS_STATUS_EXECUTION_FAILED*** Check failure stack trace: ***@0x7f574fe7e78dgoogle::LogMessage::Fail() @0x7f574fe80d43google::LogMessage::SendToLog() ...
F0103 00:37:53.068140 19470 math_functions.cu:110] Check failed: status == CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS (1 vs. 0) CUBLAS_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED *** Check failure stack trace: *** @ 0x7f9210daf5cd google::LogMessage::Fail() @ 0x7f9210db1433 google::LogMessage::SendToLog() @ 0x7f9210daf15b...