3M™ Cubitron™ II Fibre Disc 987C offers significant gains in productivity on medium to heavy-duty operations thanks to the exceptionally high-performing 3M Precision-Shaped Grain combined with a stiff fiber backing. This disc achieves a higher cut-
3M Cubitron II Precision Shaped Grain is designed to cut faster and last longer, reducing costs for your business. Request your sample today to get started.
3M ™ Cubitron™ II Net Abrasives: an even cleaner sanding experience Get the job done sooner with 3M™ Cubitron™ II Net Abrasives, the fastest-cutting and longest lasting net abrasive discs and sheets in the world. This family of net abrasives delivers 2X the cut rate and 2X the ...
3M Sägeblatt, Cubitron 86616 Trennscheibe 115mm 25St € 86,46 3M fiberschleifscheibe cubitron ii 987c 180mm p080 € 4,33 3M schleifscheibe roloc 7000000555 cubitron 76,2mm p80 € 1,90 3M Schleifmittel, Hochleistungs-Fiberscheibe 987C Cubitron II (36) € 2,58 Beliebte SuchenKla...
Fiber Disc 3m Cubitron II 987c Ceramic/Saint-Gobain/Norton Fiber Paper for Remove Rust,, Find Details and Price about Fiber Disc Flap Disc from Fiber Disc 3m Cubitron II 987c Ceramic/Saint-Gobain/Norton Fiber Paper ...
3M研磨系统部推出3M™ Cubitron™ II 固结打磨片与切割片,用户通过使用Cubitron™ II研磨产品将得以利用精确造型的颗粒技术更快地进行切割,并且磨具长久保持锋利,与传统打磨片和切割片相比,所需压力更小。 新技术掀起研磨工艺的新革命 上海2012年11月8日电 /美通社/--3M研磨系统部推出3M™Cubitron™II 固结...
3M研磨系统部推出3M(TM) Cubitron(TM) II固结打磨片与切割片,这项革命性的新技术重新定义了研磨工艺。用户通过使用Cubitron(TM) II研磨产品将得以利用精确造型的颗粒技术更快地进行切割,并且磨具长久保持锋利,与传统打磨片和切割片相比,所需压力更小。此外,这种研磨产品还有助于降低操作者的疲劳并提高生产力。
ATTENTION: We are no longer stocking abrasive belts in 2021, to make room on our shelves for other items. The stock that we currently have is the last of the stock we will offer! The 984F Cubitron II Belts are the absolute best stock removal abrasive be
3M™ Cubitron™ II 775L 薄膜砂碟问世10周年!在这个产品更新迭代飞快的时代,能够历经时间考验、依然备受青睐的产品屈指可数。这块砂碟为何能成为#市场# 常青之选?速戳下图,揭开它的秘密!转发本条微博,我们将于11月28日通过@微博抽奖平台 抽出一位幸运儿,送出【3M食品保鲜袋】一份!评论区还有更多惊喜待你来...
华盛顿特区2011年6月24日电 /美通社亚洲/ -- 3M 具有里程碑意义的产品 -- Cubitron II 研磨技术平台赢得了 TechAmerica 基金会美国制造业技术类大奖。该基金会的年度颁奖晚宴于6月15日晚间在华盛顿罗纳德–里根大厦举行。 基金会的奖项又名“特曼”奖,为纪念已故斯坦福大学工程学教授、公认的硅谷之父弗雷德里克–特...