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Find the value: cube root of -27 = 9. Calculate T_N and M_N for the value of N indicated. integral_{0}^{4} cube root of{x} dx, N=4. If (x - 2)^2 + (y - 3)^2 + (z + 4)^2 = 0 what is the value of x + y + z? If 3.14*r^2 = 706.5, then what is ...
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If an {eq}n^{th} {/eq} root of a particular number has to be evaluated, that is, we wish to calculate and simplify the expression {eq}\sqrt[n]{x} = y {/eq}, we may: Use the definition of what a root is It is true that {eq}y^n = x {/eq} Try to evaluate the ...
This saves the root customer POCO in the Customer table, its related PrimaryAddress in the CustomerAddress table and its 2 Orders in the Order table. Querying POCO's with References The Load* API's are used to automatically load a POCO and all it's child references, e.g: var customer ...