# cubefs-values.yamlcomponent:master:truedatanode:truemetanode:trueobjectnode:falseclient:falsecsi:truemonitor:falseingress:trueimage:#3.3.0版本之前会出现/lib64/libstdc++.so.6:version `GLIBCXX_3.4.21' not found 错误server:cubefs/cfs-server:v3.3.0client:cubefs/cfs-client:v3.3.0csi_driver:cnych...
kubectl label node node2 component.cubefs.io/objectnode=enabled 1. 2. CSI 组件,用于在 Kubernetes 中使用 CubeFS,需要在所有节点上部署: 复制 kubectl label node node1 component.cubefs.io/csi=enabled kubectl label node node2 component.cubefs.io/csi=enabled 1. 2. CubeFS 安装时会根据这些标签通...
在系统中断中添加用户中断服务函数 in stm32f1xx_it.c //总中断,不通平台会不一样 1voidUSART1_IRQHandler(void)2{3/*USER CODE BEGIN USART1_IRQn 0*/4USER_UART_IRQHandler(&huart1);5/*USER CODE END USART1_IRQn 0*/6HAL_UART_IRQHandler(&huart1);7/*USER CODE BEGIN USART1_IRQn 1*/89/...
Calculate the cube root of 729. Here you can find a cube Root Table as well as a Cubic Root Calculator
subject-name eq root-ca.cisco.com alt-subject-name co cisco.com ! crypto pki trustpoint ROOT-CA revocation-check ocsp match certificate OCSP-OVERRIDE override ocsp 1 url http://ocsp-responder.cisco.com ! 已订购的OCSP和CRL检查 ! Check CRL if failure, check OCSP ...
@retval int*/int main(void){/* USER CODE BEGIN 1 *//* USER CODE END 1 *//* MCU Configuration---*//* Reset of all peripherals, Initializes the Flash interface and the Systick. */HAL_Init();/* USER CODE BE 我们编译,烧写,即可看到oled已经显示了! 总结 通过本文的介绍与实践,我们成功...
The meaning of CUBE is the regular solid of six equal square sides. How to use cube in a sentence.
The cube root of 2 is written √ [3]2. The fourth root of 2 is written √ [4]2. The nth
To find the real cube root of 99−70√2, we can express the term in a form that allows us to use the identity for the cube of a binomial. 1. Identify the Expression: We need to find √(3)99−70√2. 2. Express as a Cube: We want to express 99−70√2 in the form ...