进入pod内部进行测试[root@lyc-80-11 ~]# kubectl exec -it cfs-csi-demo-85d7dbd674-nt62w -- /bin/bashroot@cfs-csi-demo-85d7dbd674-nt62w:/# echo "Hello, CubeFS" > /usr/share/nginx/html/index.htmlroot@cfs-csi-demo-85d7dbd674-nt62w:/# exitexit[root@lyc-80-11 ~]# kubectl ex...
* This software is licensed under terms that can be found in the LICENSE file * in the root directory of this software component. * If no LICENSE file comes with this software, it is provided AS-IS. * *** */ /* USER CODE END Header */ /* Includes ---*/ #include "...
Calculate the cube root of 27. Here you can find a cube Root Table as well as a Cubic Root Calculator
CUBE许可证的使用必须在使用的会话数量发生变化的90天内报告。报告可以像以前一样直接提交到CSSM或通过CSSM本地(卫星)提交,也可以使用独立报告应用程序Cisco Smart License Utility Manager (CSLU)手动提交到断开连接的网络。也可以通过思科数字网络架构(Cisco DNA)中心进行报告。CSSM必须确认每个已提交的...
Calculate the cube root of 125. Here you can find a cube Root Table as well as a Cubic Root Calculator
USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/systemctl start mihomo 8月 02 00:50:11 Analyse systemd[1]: Started mihomo Daemon, Another Clash Kernel.. 8月 02 00:50:11 Analyse audit[1]: SERVICE_START pid=1 uid=0 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 msg='...
* @retval int32_t Square root of Input (0 if Input<0) */ __weak int32_t MCM_Sqrt( int32_t wInput ) { int32_t wtemprootnew; if ( wInput > 0 ) { uint8_t biter = 0u; int32_t wtemproot; if ( wInput <= ( int32_t )2097152 ) ...
instance, you know the volume of the cubic container and you want to find theareaof its surface, it is helpful to get the side lengths by getting the cube root of the volume. Since you already know the dimension of the cubic container, you can now quickly compute the amount of paint ...
* in the root directory of this software component. * If no LICENSE file comes with this software, it is provided AS-IS. * *** */ /* USER CODE END Header */ /* Includes ---*/ #include "main.h" #include "fatfs.h" #include "sdio...
231827E629B5E86B00A40C78 /* FloatingPanel.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; name = FloatingPanel.swift; path = CubeTime/Tabs/FloatingPanel.swift; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; 2319F8B8276872F200644EB3 /* TimeTrend.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReferenc...