Authenticates the CA (by getting the certificate of the CA). Argument is as follows: name—Specifies the name of the CA. This is the same name that is used when the CA was declared with the crypto CA identity command. Note This is where you paste the remote root CA certificat...
find-root "1.0.0" fs-extra "^1.0.0" glob "7.1.1" inquirer "1.2.3" lodash "4.17.5" minimist "1.2.0" opencollective "1.0.3" path-exists "2.1.0" shelljs "0.7.6" strip-json-comments "2.0.1" commondir@^1.0.1: version "1.0.1" resolved "https://registry.yarn...
find-root "1.0.0" fs-extra "^1.0.0" glob "7.1.1" inquirer "1.2.3" lodash "4.17.5" minimist "1.2.0" opencollective "1.0.3" path-exists "2.1.0" shelljs "0.7.6" strip-json-comments "2.0.1" commondir@^1.0.1: version "1.0.1" resolved "https://registry.yarn...