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find-root "1.0.0" fs-extra "^1.0.0" glob "7.1.1" inquirer "1.2.3" lodash "4.17.5" minimist "1.2.0" opencollective "1.0.3" path-exists "2.1.0" shelljs "0.7.6" strip-json-comments "2.0.1" commondir@^1.0.1: version "1.0.1" resolved "https://registry.yarn...
The heating process reduces the gas (propellant) flow rate from a given upstream pressure through a given nozzle area, thus leading to the increase in specific impulse that is proportional to the square root of temperature as depicted in Equation (11) [50]. The working principle of a resist...
Breadcrumbs mihomo /docs / config.yamlTop File metadata and controls Code Blame 1236 lines (1139 loc) · 43.4 KB Raw # port: 7890 # HTTP(S) 代理服务器端口 # socks-port: 7891 # SOCKS5 代理端口 mixed-port: 10801 # HTTP(S) 和 SOCKS 代理混合端口 # redir-port: 7892 # 透明代理端口,...