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find-root "1.0.0" fs-extra "^1.0.0" glob "7.1.1" inquirer "1.2.3" lodash "4.17.5" minimist "1.2.0" opencollective "1.0.3" path-exists "2.1.0" shelljs "0.7.6" strip-json-comments "2.0.1" commondir@^1.0.1: version "1.0.1" resolved "https://registry.yarn...
Camera-Icon-Template.zip_cam_dropwir_icon_tonightc4v 1231f3f1121e21de1e1e121231f3f1121e21de1e1e12 上传者:weixin_42659194时间:2022-09-23 The-task-bar-icon.zip_delphi icon_icon Delphi写的用于任务栏图标的控件实例。 上传者:weixin_42662293时间:2022-09-24...
Pahang and Brazilian wounded roots were inoculated with AmCyan-FocTR4 to monitor the infection processes. At 1 dpi, hyphae and spores adhered to root epidermis of Pahang (Fig.1a) and Brazilian (Fig.1b). At 7 dpi, hyphae extended upward along root vascular bundles to corms of Pahang (Fig...
Pahang and Brazilian wounded roots were inoculated with AmCyan-FocTR4 to monitor the infection processes. At 1 dpi, hyphae and spores adhered to root epidermis of Pahang (Fig.1a) and Brazilian (Fig.1b). At 7 dpi, hyphae extended upward along root vascular bundles to corms of Pahang (Fig...
The subject of the research was a comparative analysis of the rehydration process of dried apples in cubic form. Cubes of dried Idared apples were subjected to various pre-treatment processes, including steam blanching, microwave heating and osmotic dehy