树上微出版 RUBIK'S CUBE 魔方 Rubik's cube was invented in 1974 and its popularity exploded when it was exported from Hungary in 1980. DESCRIPTION 内/容/简/介 RUBIK'S CUBE 国内讲解魔方技巧的书,大多是用英文字母做标记,不适合中国人的学习习惯,难以记忆。 作者因看到魔方的公式繁冗难记,并且都是...
Rubik's Cube三阶魔方玩法攻略从入门到高级 魔方,又称魔术方块,是匈牙利建筑学教授和雕塑家厄尔诺·鲁比克(Emo Rubik)于1974年发明的机械益智玩具,鲁比克是魔方界的教父,因此魔方的英文名便称为Rubik ’s Cube。厄尔诺·鲁比克出生于1944年7月13日,是匈牙利布达佩斯建筑学院的教授,在教学中,自己动手做出了第一个魔方...
When the scrambled colors are properly configured and are matching your Rubik's Cube click theSolvecommand to get the solution. The cube solver will alert you if your configuration is not correct. Pressing the Solve button will leave the scramble page open and open the solution page in a new...
Best Time! Cube Size 2 3 4 5 Flip Type Swift Smooth Bounce Scramble Length 20 25 30 Camera Angle Ortographic Perspective Color Scheme Cube Erno Dust Camo Rain Hue Saturation Lightness Cube:3x3x3 Total solves:- Best time:- Average of 5:- ...
The easiest Rubik's Cube solution. You only have to learn 6 moves. We divide the Rubik's Cube into 7 layers and solve each group not messing up the solved pieces
Calculate the solution for your scrambled Rubik's Cube in 20 steps. Input the colors of your cube and the program will guide you through the solution.
【题目】磨方,英文名为Rubik's cube,又叫魔术方块或鲁比克方块,是一种手部极限运动。通常泛指三阶磨方。三阶魔方形状是正方体,由有弹性的硬塑料制成。要将一个质量为m、边长为a的水平放置的匀质三阶魔方翻倒,推力对它做功至少为()A. 2mgaB.(√2mga)/2 C.((√2+1)mga)/2 D.((√2-1)mga)/2 ...
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Originally named the1, Rubik’s Cube consists of a number of smaller cubes organised in2. The smaller cubes can be twisted in almostany way, though not3. The Cube’s4is shaped in a way thatallows the smaller cubes to move smoothly. Each side of the smaller cubes has a different colour...