Global personal rankings in each official event are listed, based on the the official WCA rankings.
Pentagonal Floppy Cube rakaCN 32 播放 · 0 弹幕 Corner Confusion Cube by Adam Ford rakaCN 51 播放 · 0 弹幕 Oskar's Weird Disk 235 rakaCN 33 播放 · 0 弹幕 磁悬浮黑科技!GAN 12 Maglev开箱测评 吸猫的ALEX 4.7万 播放 · 147 弹幕 ...
Arduino LED Cube 4x4x4解决方案 是一个基于Arduino开发板的LED立方体项目。LED立方体是一种由LED灯组成的立方体结构,可以通过控制LED的亮灭来显示各种图案和效果。 这个解决方案的主要目标是通过Arduino开发板控制LED立方体的亮灭,实现各种有趣的图案和效果。为了实现这个目标,需要进行以下几个步骤: 硬件搭建:首先需要搭...
【iCube字幕组】..[How to Get Fast](如何提速)是Cubing World推出的一个系列的教程视频(一共16个视频)让每一个项目的顶尖高手为自己擅长的项目录制一个视频在视频中涉及到该门项目从入门到进阶的
A fast implementation of the Rubik Cube based in Python 3.x. solvercuberubikrubik-cube-solver4x4x4nxnxn3x3x35x5x56x6x6 UpdatedJul 15, 2024 Python Rubik's Cube Solver. An optimized implementation of Kociemba's two-phase algorithm. C++ ...
Look for 2 identical edge pieces that are positioned like in the image, then execute the next algorithm: Algorithm: [ d R U R' d' ] This algorithm is pairing-up the two edge pieces into a block and storing them on the top face, without harming any center piece. Here's how: by do...
As you can see, the algorithm itself is reversed, i.e. you start from the end, and the moves are reversed;UbecomesU',U'becomesU, and technicallyU2becomesU2', but since they affect the cube in the same way, they are not necessary to reverse. Slice moves such asr2orr'stay on the ...
How to Solve a 4x4 Rubik's Cube: Hello everyone! If you were wondering, there are not a lot of 4x4 Rubik's Cube solves that involves a real cube. Well you came to the right place to do it. Some of the solves require some 3x3 methods. If you haven't seen
聚丰项目 > 玩转光立方LED Cube 4x4x4玩转光立方LED Cube 4x4x4LED Cube 光立方是一个非常酷炫的装置,当它发光时不仅有炫耀夺目的视觉效果,而且其中还隐藏了不少数学原理。Cresta扫一扫,分享给好友 复制链接分享分享 5 喜欢这个项目 7048 访问数 4 回复数 5 点赞数 项目简介 硬件说明 软件说明 演示效果 项目...
4x4x4 Rubikscubeklugge111 (Freesound) 0:00 3:40 Комментарии Сообществождетотвасизвестий! Войдитеилизарегистрируйтесьв Pixabay дляпросмотракомментариев ...