下载完成后,将VSTI安装到Cubase 5中。打开Cubase 5,进入“乐器”或“插件”部分,找到“VST Instruments”类别,然后点击“添加”或“安装”按钮,选择你下载的VSTI文件即可。另外,你也可以通过一些论坛和社交媒体群组找到相关的资源分享。例如,在Reddit的MusicTech板块,或者加入一些音乐制作相关的QQ群、...
Premium VST Plugins and 4000 Audio Effects Plus VST Synths For Steinberg Cubase SX, LE, Fruity Loops. With VST Wrapper, VST Instruments and Music Creation Software. Royalty Free and No License Restrictions
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Free VST instruments and more Home –Welcome! About –A little bit about me Downloads –Free VST instruments HQ Instruments –Support DSK Music! Services –We work for you My Music –Demos & more Contact –Any questions?HQ Instruments
在Cubase VST 发布后,由Cameo Interactive出资成立了Steinberg Japan,负责销售和支持包括 Cubase、随后推出的WaveLab以及 Free-D 在内的Steinberg产品。 (随着 WaveLab 和 Free-D 等产品数量的增加,Steinberg Japan 成立) 回顾全球市场,Native Instruments的、Propellerheads(即后来的Reason)等,在当时还是很小型的公司,他们...
F4 功能键:打开/关闭VST Connnection(VST连接)窗口 F8 功能键:打开/关闭DirectShow Video Player(视频播放)窗口 F9 功能键:依次反向在所有工具之间进行选择 F10 功能键:依次正向在所有工具之间进行选择 F11 功能键:打开/关闭VST Instruments(VST乐器)窗口
That would be a MAJOR PROBLEM for Cubase because they drop support for older software, and no longer support VST2.? So if you are a fan of Cubase and Waves™ plugins, you better be keeping an eye out for Waves plugin update/support deals. They are very reasonable and ultimately afforda...
including 11 VST instruments, over 20GB of sample and loop packs, and more than 3,0000 onboard sounds. Plus, entirely new elements comprising advanced Ambisonics support, a powerful drum track and pattern sequencer, a Dorico-derived Score Editor, and the Pro-excl...
including 11 VST instruments, over 20GB of sample and loop packs, and more than 3,0000 onboard sounds. Plus, entirely new elements comprising advanced Ambisonics support, a powerful drum track and pattern sequencer, a Dorico-derived Score Editor, and the Pro-exclusive Modulators have been crafte...