我们在顶部菜单的“Project”(工程)菜单中,选择“Tempo Detection”(速度检测),在左侧会有新窗口展开,点击“Analyse”(分析)按钮,“Cubase”便开始分析这段立体声音频轨。 它会新建一条含有多个“Tempo Markers”(速度标记)的“Tempo Track”(速度轨)和“Time Signature Track”(拍号轨),首先,我们可以选中“拍号”...
速度检测面板(Tempo Detection Panel) 次面板允许您分析音频或MIDI段落的速度。 音频编辑(Audio Editing) VariAudio 3 VariAudio完整集成了对单声道人声录音中单个音符的编辑和音高调节,让您只需点击几下就能解决音调和时值问题。在采样编辑器中修改人声的音高线就像在钢琴卷帘窗中修改MIDI音符一样快速丝滑。与和弦轨...
Tempo Detection: The tempo algorithm accurately determines the tempo of any rhythmic audio material. The resulting tempo map can be used to keep the dynamic feeling of natural tempo variations or to remove unwanted tempo changes quickly. Drum Replacement: With the Hitpoint-to-MIDI function, it is...
Tempo Detection 909 Creating and Editing Expression Maps 1036 Exporting a Tempo Track 915 Inserting Articulations 1036 Importing a Tempo Track 918 Note Expression 1037 Process Tempo Dialog 919 VST Note Expressions 1038 Process Bars Dialog 920 MIDI Controllers 1038 Time Warp 924 Note Expression Inspector...
and Time Signature events in the Project window without having to open the Tempo Track editor. Well, it's finally possible: you can now create a Tempo track and a Time Signature track in the Track List on the Project window, and edit Tempo and Time Signature events directly on these ...
provides better results with singers who can't control their vibrato. AudioWarp is also easy to use. An accurate tempo detection function builds a Tempo Map (that follows any changes in tempo), and AudioWarp can then stretch audio to match the Tempo Map, even as you make changes to it....
This is very clever stuff and will no doubt be appreciated by composers with thousands of sounds to choose from, and those with loads of drum loops that can now be characterised by song tempo. However, opinions are still divided about the merits of Mediabay, primarily because its effectiveness...
We have improved the stability when a Tempo Detection session is ended by just changing to another tool. We have improved the stability with automation on group track parameters. We have improved the stability in Dolby Atmos projects with faulty object configuration. ...
The software comes with a loop creation utility, which enables the users to edit a specific part of the song which they want instead of the whole song. Users can change the pitch and tempo of that song along with adjusting the playback parameters of it. ...