从Audio Channel的Output下拉式菜单选择所要路由的Group Channel项,重复操作为每个所要分配到Group Channel去的Audio Channel选择相应Group Channel项。 Group Channel Strip的功能与Audio Channel Strip基本相同,它总是以Stereo方式,你可以将Group Channel的Output路由到其它Output Bus或其它Group Channel(必须是更高序位,...
6Z(xG'kqW I0Emus音乐社区#C&4$IU0Xf&g 1-选中需要进行音量标准化的音频块,执行菜单Audio-Process-No 22、rmalize。Emus音乐社区k'gR#T.ZN'y C!E(lEmus音乐社区;b5j cpi#G:;R标准化F_ N/cY,T0 /vI9NM3U"%jF0jt k02-选择需要进行标准化的电平大小,默认时为0dB,点Process后音频块的音量就标准化...
The first big feature that really caught my attention in Cubase 5 is VariAudio, which makes it possible to detect and manipulate the individual notes of a monophonic audio recording directly in Cubase's Sample Editor window. If you've ever seen or used Celemony's Melodyne, you'll instantly ...
15 Cubase Artist 12 Setting up Your System Setting up Audio Simple Stereo Input and Output Setup If you only use a stereo input and output from Cubase, you can connect your audio hardware, for example, the inputs of your audio card or your audio interface, directly to the input source ...
口进行有关ASIO系统(Audio Stream Input Output)的设置。该程序窗口可以从Cubase SX 中打 开,也可以从系统―开始菜单‖中启动,在该窗口中列出了当前系统已安装的所有相关音频硬件设备项。注 意,如果音频卡使用的是Windows Multimedia MME Driver 且又是初次选择ASIO Multimedia Driver 项的话,系统将会提示是否对其音...
In addition, once you have melodic parts coming into Retrologue’s side-chain, the arpeggiator features really come into their own. And, of course, you can still blend in Retrologue’s own oscillator sound sources with your side-chain audio for even more options. I’ve no idea if Steinberg...
I’ll send the left mono track to output 1 on my interface and it’s fine, if I send the right channel to the same output afterwards, I get no audio. I have to send it out to output 2, I find this strange as they are both mono tracks and it always works on other tracks. ...
(极)NEMO实况转播NEP noise equivalent power噪声等效功率News人声广播音响效果,新闻Next下一个,唱片跳回下曲键NF NFB negative feedback负反馈NG no go不通,不工作NG noise generator噪声发生器Ni-Cd nickel-cadmium镍镉充电电池NICAM near instantaneous companded audio multiplex准瞬时压扩声音多路复用,电视丽音,数字...
Immediately following my roundup are GH's thoughts on Cubase -from the perspective of a non-seasoned user. Number one on my list of new features is VariAudio pitch correction software. There's no denying that capturing a perfect vocal performance can be quite an elusive goal. We often ...