在录音时所可能产生的MIDI Part重叠,这将根据Transport面板中对Rec Mode的设置情况而有不同结果。 Normal:在该录制方式下,MIDI Part的重叠与Audio Track录音相同,每次在已有位置上的录音都将产生相应新的Part,即每次所得新的Part都将与原有Part重叠。 Merge:在该录制方式下,所录制新内容都将增加到原有Part中而被...
MIDI Undo Quantize取消量化 MIDI Freeze Quantize使量化操作无法取消 MIDI Delete Doubles删去双音 MIDI Delete Controllers删去MIDI控制信息 MIDI Transpose对MIDI事件进行升降调 MIDI Cycle Record Mode: Merge循环MIDI录音模式:合并 MIDI Cycle Record Mode: Overwrite循环MIDI录音模式:替代 MIDI Merge Record Parts合并录...
LengthCorrection:可对MIDI音符之间在时值上的重叠部分进行纠整(这里指的是同一MIDI Channel中相同音高位置)。 SnapRecordPartstoBars:当Snap设为以Bars+Beats单位,选中该项,将对所录制MIDIPart 的首尾端自动对齐小节位置,这将便于编辑操作(移动、复制或重复MIDIPart)。
NOTE This only works if MIDI Record Mode is set to Merge or Replace. Retrospective Record Insert MIDI Retrospective Recording in Editor Allows you to recover MIDI notes that you played in stop mode or during playback. Left Divider Left Divider Allows you to use the left divider. Tools that ...
冻结编辑五.MIDI菜单 Open Key Editor---打开键盘编辑器 Open Score Editor---打开乐谱编辑器 Open Drum Editor---打开鼓编辑器 Open List Editor---
vTrackSelectMIDIZoomOpenCUBASEAudioAutomationExport 系统标签: 对照表cubase中英文音频素材audio CUBASE5常用中英文对照表 在这里边整理的常用的英文单词对照表可能还不全,而 且里面可能有几个不常用的,因为单词简单易记也放里面了。这 些单词很好记,只需要记住单词的意思就行了,我学英文很慢, 只记翻译,这些单词我...
MIDI Merge Record Parts 合并录音的事件条 MIDI Auto Quantize in Record 自动量化所录的MIDI Nudge Start Left 将所选的范围开始位置延伸到左边一个单位 Ctrl + Left Arrow Nudge Start Right 将所选的范围开始位置延伸到右边一个单位 Ctrl + Right Arrow ...
This issue has received some serious thought by Steinberg, and it's now possible to define how automation and MIDI Controller events should interact with each other via a new Part Merge Mode option on automation tracks. When you work with MIDI Controller data in the controller lanes or the Ke...
the arpeggiator features really come into their own. And, of course, you can still blend in Retrologue’s own oscillator sound sources with your side-chain audio for even more options. I’ve no idea if Steinberg have plans to merge or blend these separate features at some point — I hope...
it may be possible to do better quality images with higher resolution but it'll mean taking at least 2 separate, differently focused complete die shots, manually cropping and aligning them and then using focus stacking software to merge them together. Not sure how (or if) that would work ...