老用户也可以直接通过Steinberg Online Shop在线购买升级。在2023年8月23日之后激活的Cubase Pro 12、Cubase Artist 12、Cubase Elements 12或更早版本的Cubase也都可以免费获得相应版本的Cubase 13升级。 Iconica Sketch音色库也可以单独购买,售价119.99美元。 官网: https://www.steinberg.net/cubase/new-features/ ...
老用户也可以直接通过Steinberg Online Shop在线购买升级。在2023年8月23日之后激活的Cubase Pro 12、Cubase Artist 12、Cubase Elements 12或更早版本的Cubase也都可以免费获得相应版本的Cubase 13升级。 Iconica Sketch音色库也可以单独购买,售价119.99美元。 官网:https://www.steinberg.net/cubase/new-features/ 转载...
Pro•Artist•Elements Raiser Raiser是Cubase新增的动态处理工具,将快速占据你的信号流顶端。超级快速的启动时间让你极大提升工程的响度,而不会对透明度和瞬时性进行妥协。它也擅长对鼓和吉他做激进的限制,也可以对人声甚至是最终的混音做平滑处理。Raiser是一款针对最终混音的多功能且强大的工具。
Steinberg斯坦伯格Cubase Elements 12插件参考手册.pdf,Plug-in Reference The Steinberg Documentation Team: Cristina Bachmann, Martina Becker, Heiko Bischoff, Lillie Harris, Christina Kaboth, Insa Mingers, Matthias Obrecht, Sabine Pfeifer, Benjamin Schütte
安全开启模式(仅限Cubase Pro、Artist和Elements 10.5):可以在不加载任何第三方VST插件的情况下打开Cubase。 LUFS标准化(仅限Cubase Pro 10.5):除了dBFS Max以外,还按照EBU R128标准做响度标准化。 创建Macro宏更简单(仅限Cubase Pro和Artist 10.5):Macro窗口被重新设计,可以上下移动键盘快捷键选择,可以一键复制宏。
Here you will ind detailed information about all the features and functions in the program. The screenshots are taken from Cubase Elements. Platform-Independent Documentation The documentation applies to the operating systems Windows and macOS. Features and settings that are speciic to one of these ...
1. Uninstalling the program you want to activate (for example, Cubase Elements). 2. Running the "eLC Installation Helper". This little tool creates the condition for a successfull reinstallation. 3. Reinstalling the program you want to activate. ...
The following rules apply: ● Value changes are applied to all selected elements, relative to the current values. For example, you have selected two audio events. The irst event has a length of 1 bar, the second of 2 bars. If you change the info line value to 3, the irst event is ...
features like the augmented Range tool and breakout channel tab are joined by a bevy of enhanced essentials and electrifying sonic palettes, including 11 VST instruments, over 20GB of sample and loop packs, and more than 3,0000 onboard sounds. Plus, entirely new ...
features like the augmented Range tool and breakout channel tab are joined by a bevy of enhanced essentials and electrifying sonic palettes, including 11 VST instruments, over 20GB of sample and loop packs, and more than 3,0000 onboard sounds. Plus, entirely new elements comprising advanced ...