修复涵盖 DAW 项目、混音、插件、乐谱编辑器等多个模块的错误,提升整体稳定性和使用体验。官方介绍(原视频地址:https://youtu.be/SX5Jd-SUjtI)官网:https://www.steinberg.net/cubase/release-notes/14/文章出处 https://www.soundonsound.com/news/steinberg-update-cubase-14 转载新闻请注明出自 Midifan.com共...
CUBASE5的使用说明书CUBASE5的使用说明书Cubase已安装说明北破解的CubE5一经放出,本站第一时间拿到,进行了全程导装明配不面笊一下具体的崇装说明口克装前因蔑:L起卜用卸聒Eubar SU:,也毛用对破口正皿 4 .也不用田
Having used Cubase 13 for some time now, I find my temperament becoming rather prickly when confronted with the mere sight of Cubase 12, a sentiment that might be considered as a form of praise. And I don’t think I’ll be alone. Cubase 13 has something for every musician and audio en...
时A诫呎 时A诫呎 在Cubase或Nuendo中把VST插件装在其他盘的设置及各控制 器使用作者:布鲁斯小伙|| 在安装软件时,通常我们会把 Cubase或Nuendo装在C盘,而一些体积较大的音源插件我们通常会装在其他盘。比如在安装插件时一般默认的路径都是: C:\Program FilesSte in bergVstplugi ns ,我们可以改变路径把插件装...
The Steinberg SKI Remote must be installed before using Cubase iC Pro. It can be downloaded at http://steinberg.net/ski. If you like Cubase iC Pro, please support us by rating it on the App Store! Apin tietosuoja Kehittäjä (Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH) ilmoitti, että apin...
系统支持拓展:正式支持 Windows on Arm,拓宽了软件的兼容性,可在更多设备上使用。 修复涵盖 DAW 项目、混音、插件、乐谱编辑器等多个模块的错误,提升整体稳定性和使用体验。 官方介绍(原视频地址:https://youtu.be/SX5Jd-SUjtI) 官网:https://www.steinberg.net/cubase/release-notes/14/...
系统支持拓展:正式支持 Windows on Arm,拓宽了软件的兼容性,可在更多设备上使用。 修复涵盖 DAW 项目、混音、插件、乐谱编辑器等多个模块的错误,提升整体稳定性和使用体验。 官方介绍(原视频地址:https://youtu.be/SX5Jd-SUjtI) 官网:https://www.steinberg.net/cubase/release-notes/14/...
Please note that Cubase iC Pro is a remote control app and will not function without a connection to Cubase. Some of its functionality only works in combination with advanced Cubase versions. Important Note: The Steinberg SKI Remote must be installed before using Cubase iC Pro. It can be down...
preamp stage with a classic compressor/limiter; the wet/dry mix control is a welcome touch, allowing you to blend in the amount of vulgarity to taste. For subtler dynamics, VoxComp is ideal for situations where you want to compress a vocal track simply and tenderly with an air of mansu...