s extensive history of waves of foreign influence has largely shaped their government, and in turn their public policies and urban planning strategies, they yet have been able to stabilize their long-standing housing crisis- forcing thousands of Cubans to live in derelict homes or public shelters....
On the northern shores of the country, the GuanahacabibesPeninsula has some of the most inhabited waters as a result of intensive preservation efforts by the government. Catch & Release technique is allowed, but other fishing is strongly prohibited. A variety of marine fish species are seen her...
Type of visa Processing time Full charge (including Government fee) (USD/Pax) 1-2 pax 3-4 pax From 5 pax 30 days single entry 5 - 7 working days 58 48 57 47 56 46 4 working days 71 66 70 65 68 63 3 working days 74 71 73 70 72 69 2 working days 79 78 77 Emerge...
…Today, life spans are virtually the same in Cuba as more prosperous Chile and Costa Rica—if you accept the rosy official statistics put out by Cuba’s communist government, which many people do not. There are good reasons to doubt official numbers from Cuba. People who visit the island ...
All Casa del Habano stores, which deal only in Cuban cigars, also stock Regional Edition smokes. These are unique smokes, made exclusively for individual countries or markets. The shops, which are franchises part-owned by the Cuban government, are also dependable sources for legitimate Havanas ...
spirit of entrepreneurship. And that’s what we’re encouraging here today. Because Cuba’s economic future -- its ability to create more jobs and a growing middle class, and meet the aspirations of the Cuban people -- depends on growth in the private sector, as well as government action....
The maximum group size of this tour is limited to 16 travellers which enables us to more easily interact with the Cubans and to visit their homes and places of work and play. It also minimises our impact on the local culture and society. You will get the chance to visit government run ...
own government. Just like not every Floridian is a gin and tonic swilling fogie, not every young Cuban wants to emigrate. Not every Cuban on an overseas scholarship is under the thumb of a foreign government and not every child ofOperation Peter Panis working to destabilize their birth home...
As Venezuela's economic woes deepen, with an annualizedinflation ratereaching 57 percent, and violent clashes between pro- and anti-government protesters escalate, the probability of a new government is high, making Cuba's future uncertain. Even ifNicolas Maduro, who succeeded the late Hugo Chavez...
Most of the economic sectors are state-owned as Cuba has a communist government. Almost 70% of the workforce is also employed by the state. Before the revolution of 1959, Cuba had one of the best and fastest growing economies and one of its main export partners was the US, but due to...