其中“Cub Scouts”是指男童子军,而“Brownies”则是指女童子军。这两个组织都是童军运动的一部分,...
The Cub Scout age program is for kindergarten through 3rd graders - Lion scouts, Tiger scouts, Wolf scouts, and Bear scouts. After completing Bear scout requirements, scouts begin their Webelos program, and finish Cub Scouting with the Arrow of Light. How to Join: Go to BeAScout.org ...
The “Turn Back the Clock” Cub Scout theme helps Scouts learn about resourcefulness by looking at different time periods. Scouts explore eras like the Ice Age, Wild West, Space Age, and 1950s to see how people used creativity to improve their lives. They learn how to make the most of w...
Preparation for Boy Scouts What are Packs & Dens? Cub Scouts are part of dens. These are small groups of Scouts who are in the same grade or are the same age. This is the group Cub Scouts meet most frequently. There are several dens in a “pack.” As packs meet, kids of a wider...
Intended for: Scouts BSA Details: The BSA Lifeguard patch is worn on the right side of your BSA swimsuit, not on your scout uniform.Download the Application Form PREREQUISITES:Before doing requirements 6 through 25, complete the following: Submit proof of age. You must be at least 15 years ...
This adventure is about building confidence, learning to swim, and understanding water safety. It’s a fun and educational experience for both Scouts and their families. See more information about this adventure here, including printable requirements, check off sheets, and fun age-appropriate activiti...
Teaching Cub Scouts about the Human Body during PhUn Week Possessing awareness about the human body helps in the maintenance of health. Gaining this knowledge at a young age allows for greater opportunities to make healthy decisions throughout life. In order to teach youth about their bodies, a...
Cub Scout-age boys and girls benefit developmentally from belonging to a group of children their own age. Through this sense of belonging, scouts build self-esteem and learn to get along with others. Continue reading Meet The Pack January 1, 2016 Daniel Williams As a parent, you want to be...
What are 5th grade boy scouts called? Cub Scoutingis for youth in kindergarten through fifth grade. Youth can join Scouts BSA if they have completed the fifth grade and are at least 10 years old, OR have earned the Arrow of Light Award and are at least 10 years old, OR are age 11 ...
Scouts participate in age appropriate activities from field trips for our younger groups, to hikes and woodworking for our older youth. All our Scouts enjoy a variety of group activities under adult guidance, such as Raingutter Regattas and the famous Pinewood Derby! Join us for our next outin...