To earn their rank badge, Cub Scouts complete six “adventures,” which are collections of themed, multidisciplinary activities. They also complete safety exercises. Below, you’ll find the exact requirements. Wolf Cub Scouts are second graders.Cub Scout Wolf rank requirementsinclude topics such as ...
Recite the Scout Oath and the Scout Law with your den and den leader. Learn about the Scout Law. With your den, create a den code of conduct. Demonstrate the Cub Scout sign, Cub Scout salute, and Cub Scout handshake. Show how each is used. Share with your den, or family, a time ...
CubScoutBasketballBeltLoop(SeethePinRequirementsbelow.) Completethesethreerequirements: 1.Explaintherulesofbasketballtoyourleaderoradultpartner. 2.Spendatleast30minutespracticingbasketballskills. DateStartEndDuration 3.Participateinabasketballgame. CubScoutBasketballCubScout'sName:___ CubScoutBasketballWorkbookPage2o...
If a youth has completed kindergarten and has earned theBobcat Badge, earning theTigerrank is next. The scout receives a Tiger Scout handbook, Tiger neckerchief, and Tiger neckerchief slide. A blueCub Scout Uniformis also needed. This part of the scouting trail is intended to take one school ...
Our goal is to “Do Your Best. Have Fun Doing It”. The Preview Adventure enables Cub Scouts to earn a Belt loop or Adventure Pin to satisfy their requirements to move up to the next level. Live Stream with a Pro Do you want your kids to earn their belt loop? We will conduct a ...
Use the new Bear Scout requirements. If a Cub Scout has completed the second grade and has earned the Bobcat Badge, the youth may start earning the Bear rank. The scout receives a Bear Scout handbook, Bear neckerchief, and Bear neckerchief slide when beginning the Bear portion of the ...
Let’s Camp Adventure Requirements Learn about the buddy system and how it works in the outdoors. Before going on the overnight campout, discuss what type of weather is expected and what type of clothes you should wear. Pack up your Cub Scout Six Essentials for the campout. ...
Bear Habitat Adventure Requirements Prepare for a 1-mile walk by gathering the Cub Scout Six Essentials and weather appropriate clothing and shoes. “Know Before You Go” Identify the location of your walk on a map and confirm your 1-mile route. ...
family, like your young Scout recognizing that his neighbor needed help. That was a beautiful way that the Duty to God program was put into practice. The awards are still the same. The delivery (has) changed just a little bit. The requirements for each rank are more in-depth. There's ...
Geocaching for the Cub Scout Program / iii Forward Welcome to geocaching with your Scouts! Geocaching is a wonderful sport for Scouts. It takes them outdoors, on adventures and they get to find prizes. But it is so much more than that! You can use this simple sport in so many ways to...