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产品名称:CUB CADET-割草机-XT1 LT46 产品型号:XT1 LT46 产品介绍:Cub Cadet XT1 LT46 由 23 hp KOHLER 7000 系列双缸发动机提供动力,带有 12 个切割位置的 46 英寸冲压、12 号双刀片刀盘。为响应式操控而优化的转向系统提供了 16 英寸的转弯半径,带来零转弯的感觉。性能特点:更少的维护,更少的停机...
The pivot bracket fit perfect on our 2016 Cub Cadet XT1/LT46. Now we can lift the hood correctly. We have two cadets, this one was used and needed some TLC. Thank you for the quick shipping and good prices. Entered a Sweepstakes Yes Recommends this product ✔ Yes Helpful? Yes...
CUB CADET 917-05209 Electric Pto Clutch RZT GT LX SX XT1 XT2 ZT1 ZT2 ULTIMA 46 $45161 current price $451.61 CUB CADET 917-05209 Electric Pto Clutch RZT GT LX SX XT1 XT2 ZT1 ZT2 ULTIMA 46 Cub Cadet 717-04183 Replacement PTO Clutch; Upgraded Next Gen ...
SPU Idler Pulley for Cub Cadet Ultima ZT1-54 Zero Turn Mower Lawn Mower Replacement Parts CUB CADET 732-04352 Seat Spring 1.28 Od X 4.0 GT 2554 2550 2544 2542 $17.95 current price $17.95 CUB CADET 732-04352 Seat Spring 1.28 Od X 4.0 GT 2554 2550 2544 2542 ...
产品名称:CUB CADET-割草机-XT1 LT46 产品型号:XT1 LT46 产品介绍:Cub Cadet XT1 LT46由23 hp KOHLER 7000系列双缸发动机提供动力,带有12个切割位置的46英寸冲压、12号双刀片刀盘。为响应式操控而优化的转向系统提供了16英寸的转弯半径,带来零转弯的感觉。
品牌: CUB CADET XT1 LT46 ZT1 50 ZTS1 42 ZT154P 保修期: 12 电源电压: 220V 工作电流: 10A 工作电压: 20000V 灵敏度: .0001 生产能力: 20000 稳定度: 100 月产量: 10000 制造商: CUB CADET XT1 LT46 ZT1 50 ZTS1 价格说明 价格:商品在平台的展示标价,具体的成交价格...
Cub Cadet XT1 LT46 由 23 hp KOHLER 7000 系列双缸发动机提供动力,带有 12 个切割位置的 46 英寸冲压、12 号双刀片刀盘。为响应式操控而优化的转向系统提供了 16 英寸的转弯半径,带来零转弯的感觉。 性能特点 更少的维护,更少的停机时间 3年/无小时限制保修(包括动力总成)和 5 年底盘和前桥无限制小时 耐...
Frame.Cub Cadet uses the strongest frame for all their lawn & garden tractors! Cub Cadet uses one strong frame for all the XT1 & XT2 lawn and garden tractors so you can be assured that it will last. It is a stiff frame so it will not flex and break over the years. The frames hav...
I have a 2023 Cub Cadet XT1 42B with 30 hours. Needs a valve replacement. CC will not honor warranty because I am not the original owner. Owner moved out of state and cannot locate. They also said they don't honor warranty for the Briggs and Stratton engine and that has to go ...