品牌: CUB CADET XT1 LT46 ZT1 50 ZTS1 42 ZT154P 保修期: 12 电源电压: 220V 工作电流: 10A 工作电压: 20000V 灵敏度: .0001 生产能力: 20000 稳定度: 100 月产量: 10000 制造商: CUB CADET XT1 LT46 ZT1 50 ZTS1 价格说明 价格:商品在平台的展示标价,具体的成交价格...
The pivot bracket fit perfect on our 2016 Cub Cadet XT1/LT46. Now we can lift the hood correctly. We have two cadets, this one was used and needed some TLC. Thank you for the quick shipping and good prices. Entered a Sweepstakes Yes Recommends this product ✔ Yes Helpful? Yes...