卡博科德ZT1草坪车cub cadet草坪机Z-146 Ultim除草机园林绿化机 发动机 双缸 发动机马力 科勒22马力 剪草宽度 46寸 剪草高度 2.5-11公分 底盘升降 15挡,手动调节 产地美国 离合器电子离合器 前进速度0-11.2KM/小时 后退速度0-5.6KM/小时 油箱容量13.2L 重量345KG 驱动方式 皮带传动 刀盘清洗 高压清洗 后桥 ...
Cub Cadet is the outdoor power equipment brand for those who love to lawn, Offering high-performance zero turn mowers, snow blowers, lawn tractors & more.
The Cub Cadet Service We provide value to our Cub Cadet owners with support content to help you feel confident to tackle simple tasks or advice to extend the lifetime of your machine. If you are unable to find what you need, contact a Cub Cadet expert for help. ...
Browse the single stage, two stage, and three stage Cub Cadet® snow blowers and power through snow! Shop and Compare, or take our quiz to find the right snow blower for you.
0 促销 展开促销 配送至 --请选择-- 支持 更多商品信息 上翻下翻 CUB CADET京东自营旗舰店 进店逛逛关注店铺 商品介绍 规格与包装 售后保障 商品评价 本店好评商品 品牌:卡博科德 商品名称:卡博科德轮式打草机 商品编号:100055838548 机械类型:打草机
Shop and compare the ultimate selection of zero-turn mowers and zero-turn riding mowers from Cub Cadet. Browse or learn about financing options.
Cub Cadet卡博科德是美特达机械有限公司旗下品牌。Cub Cade推出首个零转角草坪车,拥有CycloCut™ 系统的刀盘设计,研制出第一台方向盘操作零转角草坪车,首先使用重型静压自动变速器,第一个也是唯一拥有直接轴传动品牌的草坪车。一直遵循致力于满足并超越乡村和郊外的家庭和景观专业人士的需求的原则。 旗...
Since 1961, Cub Cadet has thoughtfully designed products around the people who depend on us - our customers. We are proud of our innovation in the development and manufacturing of lawnmowers, lawn tractors, zero-turn mowers and mini-riders. Always one step ahead, our products distinguish themse...
卡博科德CUB CADET HondaGXV160动力割草机评测 一、品牌与历史背景 卡博科德(Cub Cadet),一个自1961年起就在美国精工制造品牌,以其高品质、耐用性在全球范围内赢得良好口碑,其HondaGXV160动力割草机,搭载19寸铝底盘,是手推式草坪机中热销产品,这款割草机不但继承卡博科德一贯精湛工艺,更融入本田强大动力,...
Browse Cub Cadet Lawn Mowers. With our selection of premium Riding Lawn Mowers and Push Mowers, you are sure to find the one that best fits your lawn today!