图7cu2o/mwcnts复合材料的o1s的xps细分曲线; 图8不同催化剂含量的催化高氯酸铵的dtg曲线; 图9不同催化剂含量的催化高氯酸铵的dta曲线。 具体实施方式 下面结合具体实施例对本发明作进一步解说。 1、原料来源:浓硝酸,分析纯,上海盈元化工有限公司;peg,95%,阿拉丁;氢氧化钠,化学纯,西陇化工股份有限公司;cuso4·...
In addition, a reduction reaction at 300 degrees C sample was observed using XPS analysis from the shift in the O1s peak in addition to a weaker O1s peak intensity. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Kim, Tae GyoumRyu, HyukhyunLee, Won-JaeYoon, Jang-HeeCurrent applied physics...
Further evidence for the composition of the product was inferred from the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS, Thermo ESCALAB 250XI, USA), using an ESCALab MKII X-ray photoelectron spectrometer with Mg-KαX-rays as the excitation source. The flat band potentials of the samples were ...
35.针对前述制备方法得到的无定形cu2o/生物质碳催化剂,用x射线光电子能谱(xps, thermo scientific k-alpha)分析其化学成分,使用了al kαx射线源(hν=1486.6ev)。结果如图2所示。从图中可以看出,本实施例制备的催化剂在结合能为931.6ev和951.8ev处有两个明显的峰,分别对应于cu 2p1/2和cu 2p3/2,图中的o...
Mixed silver–copper oxide Ag2Cu2O3 was investigated by a combination of physicochemical techniques, including X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and temperature programmed reaction (TPR). The catalytic properties of Ag2Cu2O3 in the reaction of CO oxidation were ...
Mixed silver-copper oxide Ag"2Cu"2O"3 was investigated by a combination of physicochemical techniques, including X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and temperature programmed reaction (TPR). The catalytic properties of Ag"2Cu"2O"3 in the reaction of CO oxidation ...
A careful comparison of the XPS characteristics between Pb-doped and undoped 2212 materials has shown that the core-level spectra of O1s, Cu2p, Sr3d, Ca2p, Bi4f and Pb4f are insensitive to the presence of Pb. The ratio of the two occupation sites of Sr and Ca in the crystal lattice...
图8cu2o/mwcnts复合材料的o1s的xps细分曲线; 图9cu2o/mwcnts复合材料的反射损耗在不同匹配层厚度下随频率变化曲线; 图10cu2o/mwcnts复合材料的cole-cole曲线; 图11cu2o/mwcnts复合材料的导电网络示意图。 具体实施方式 下面结合具体实施例对本发明作进一步解说。