壽屋 發售日未定: Action Figure Cu-poche Figure《在地下城尋求邂逅是否搞錯了什麼》赫斯緹雅 2015/06/27 Cybergundam Cu-poche, 壽屋文章導覽 GOODSMILE 2015年10月發售: Nendoroid Co-de: 《PriPara》Reona West – Twin Gingham Co-de R 2,400Yen連稅 (Remark: GOODSMILE ONLINE SHOP訂購附特典) Glitch...
米卡的原型來自芬蘭童話《姆明(嚕嚕米)》的司那夫金(Snufkin)。 「Cu-poche」(キューポッシュ)是將人物製成2到3頭身的比例,恰好是可以放進口袋裡大小,兼具了可愛及可動的精緻FIGURE,大部份玩家也將Cu-poche稱為「口袋人」。特製臺座及人物腳底皆內藏磁鐵方便固定,還附上了收藏用拉鍊袋,除了防塵還能讓玩家...
▼我我我女孩的卡面資訊。 「Cu-poche」(キューポッシュ)是將人物製成2到3頭身的比例,恰好是可以放進口袋裡大小,兼具了可愛及可動的精緻FIGURE,大部份玩家也將Cu-poche稱為「口袋人」。特製臺座及人物腳底皆內藏磁鐵方便固定,還附上了收藏用拉鍊袋,除了防塵還能讓玩家們帶著喜愛的Cu-poche出門拍照喔! 「C...
Item Number: AD020 The IdolMaster series Hikibi Ganaha Comes with additional parts & display stand Height approximately: 5" Tall Interchangeable face & hand Package: Window box Sculptor: Taketo Ogasawara, Hideaki Kiyohara Cu-poche Action Figure ...
可動人偶 ACTION FIGURE 壽屋2018年1月發售:壽屋SHOP限定 Action Figure Cu-poche Figure 謹賀新年! 狗仔裝 3,500Yen 2017/12/27 da Cu-poche, 壽屋 キューポッシュコス 謹賀新年!いぬコーデ【コトブキヤショップ限定品】 作品 キューポッシュコス シリーズ キューポッシュ 発売月 2018年01...
I have been asked if Cu-Poche can stand on its own even without the stand. Yes, it can but it will limit its posing so I use my own technique. That technique is using hook wires or that plastic thing that connects the figure to its base so I can get the pose that I want. I ...
那么拿出差不多感觉的figure比较一下,大粘土还是比较短粗一些,而万代的Petiture rise头身比其实也有一些区别 来自Android客户端5楼2020-03-17 14:00 回复 海瑟姆肯威 大校 13 头发上有分件的接缝,发梢有轻微的阴影涂装 来自Android客户端6楼2020-03-17 14:01 回复 ...
Today’s featured figure is Kotobukiya Cu-poche Homura Akemi and Cu-poche Inazuma dressed up with Cu-poche Extra Hannari Set. I like that Kotobukiya started to make clothes for their Cu-poche figures including this lovely yukata. Kotobukiya Cu-poche Extra Hannari Set also comes with this cute...
Buy this figure at Solaris Japan, an amazing model from the popular Original Character franchise by Kotobukiya As Manufacturer.
「Cu-poche」(キューポッシュ)是将人物制成2到3头身的比例,恰好是可以放进口袋里大小,兼具了可爱及可动的精致FIGURE,大部份玩家也将Cu-poche称为「口袋人」。特制台座及人物脚底皆内藏磁铁方便固定,还附上了收藏用拉鍊袋,除了防尘还能让玩家们带着喜爱的Cu-poche出门拍照喔!「Cu-poche 骨装机娘 探针」将...