Chorkendorff, The interaction of CH4 at high temperatures with clean and oxygen precovered Cu (100), Surf. Sci. 264 (1992) 95-102.The interaction of CH4at high temperatures withclean and oxygen precovered Cu (100). Alstrup I,Chorkendorff I,Ullmann S. Surface Science . 1992...
12.NA为阿伏伽德罗常数的值.下列说法正确的是( )A.8g CH4O中含有的C-H键数目为NAB.25℃时.100mL pH=8的氨水中NH4+的个数为9.9×10-8NAC.56g Fe和64g Cu分别与1 mol S反应转移的电子数均为2NAD.标准状况下.2.24 LCl2溶于水所得氯水中含氯的微粒总数为0.2NA
某未知气体X可能含有CO、CH4中的一种或两种,某同学设计实验进行探究。 查阅资料: (ⅰ)加热时,CH4能与CuO反应生成Cu、CO2和H2O; (ⅱ)20℃时,100g水中分别能溶解Ca(OH)2和Ba(OH)2分别为:0.165g,2.1g; (iii)结构决定性质,Ba(OH)2结构与Ca(OH)2相似,也能与CO2反应。 (iv)浓硫酸具有吸水性。 (1)CH4...
When the H2 influence is introduced, the major intermediate changes from CH to CH3 on Cu(100) surface with the increase of H2 partial pressure, while the coverage difference between CH and CH3 is not significant. This means that both species will have a large influence on the graphene growth...
CH4 dissociationMicrokinetic modelChemical vapor depositionGraphene growthThe mechanism of CHdissociation and carbon nucleation process on the Fe doped Cu(100) surface were investigated systematically by using the density functional theory (DFT) calculations and microkinetic model. The activity of the Cu(...
Identifying the significance of proton-electron transfer in CH4 production on Cu (100) in CO2 electro-reductiondoi:10.1016/j.jelechem.2016.12.016Tian ShengShi-Gang SunElsevier
【题目】NA代表阿伏加德罗常数的值,以下说法正确的是( ) A.将足量Zn与100mL18mol/L 浓硫酸反应,生成224mL气体,转移电子为0.02NA B.32gCu将足量浓、稀硝酸分别还原为NO2和NO,浓、稀硝酸得到的电子数均为NA C.1 mol Na2O2固体中含离子总数与1 mol CH4中所含共价键数目相等 D.常温常压下,92 g的NO2和...
C.100mL12mol•L-1的浓HNO3与过量Cu反应转移电子的数目为0.6NA D.标准状况下,11.2L由CH4和C2H4组成的混合气体中含有氢原子的数目为2NA 试题答案 在线课程 分析A、1mol双氧水中含2mol极性共价键; B、氢气所处的状态不明确; C、浓硝酸在和铜反应的过程中,先生成NO2,后生成NO甚至价态更低的产物; ...