(2020) also reported that the high Cu contents and Cu/Ag of Arizona garnet-pyroxenite xenoliths were complementary to the Cu-depleted felsic arc magmas and the continental crust. Reactivation of Cu in the lower crust plays an essential role in the formation of porphyry Cu deposits, especially...
(seawater-corrected Br*/I = 0.5–1.5; seawater-corrected Br* = Br – 0.0035 × Cl; Kendrick et al., 2011b) overlaps with the sedimentary formation water, and are just outside the range of mantle (MORB/OIB) or Phanerozoic porphyry Cu magmatic-hydrothermal fluids (Arizona; Kendrick et al...
The Buffs are 2-0 … and have yet to play a home game. There are six Folsom Field weekends on the slate, and, based upon the first two weeks of the season, the most difficult of those games will be against … Arizona State (2-0 after a surprising 16-13 win over No. 15 Michigan...
eddavidite; murdochite; new mineral; crystal structure; lead copper oxide; Br; bromine; Ojuela mine; Mexico; Bisbee; Arizona; paleo-seawater; Western Interior Seaway 1. Introduction The recognition of eddavidite arises from decades of investigations into the ontology of murdochite. Murdochite was ...
Arizona Sunshine Remake | Launch Trailer | Meta Quest Platform 02:00 Starship Home | Launch Trailer | Meta Quest Platform 01:29 DIG VR | Announce Trailer | Meta Quest 01:05 压灭叠 ~【Meta Quest 3S】 01:06 《剑与魔法》一体机版本《Blade & Sorcery: Nomad》画面大更新对比【Meta Ques...