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under most circumstances, polydispersed Cu nanoclusters with a wide size distribution are acquired. To improve the monodispersity, kinetic control is inevitable. One typical example is the synthesis of [Cu18H3(S-Adm)12(PPh3)4Cl2] molecule reported by...
x滌桔 I 鎏 ,MW矅戦 Y瑱`d扡3櫷剃 ann炨dDxT 涩B=鑇 /+偁奥現; + 3寗賋,艏z蝎^ :屈f娣 筣 )不橀nv熵眘穋鏌O躇L浹磐 8幸靨 紜胠z_3t hs汉 5何 Z ,睶轻5Y p a裴 嬒喺汔婳4眢9熄痞t曭灬 :婩^萆斱, 苸體薲 h 嗏...
The application of surface complexation models (SCMs) to natural sediments and soils is hindered by a lack of consistent models and data for large suites of metals and minerals of interest. Furthermore, the surface complexation approach has mostly been developed and tested for single solid systems...
The stable pores of GO-COOH/CS spheres were important for the adsorption performance, which allowed the diffusion of liquid to the inner surface. On the other hand, large solid fragments would be stopped by the outside surface. The pore size and surface area were measured by N2 adsorption ...
For example, stress–strain relationships may not be uniquely determined with the loading and unloading curves alone if a conical or pyramidal indenter is used, because of its geometric self-similarity19. Therefore, the simplest spherical indenter has widely been used to perform nanoindentation in MD...
A conservative CO2-Methanol (CH3OH) regeneration cycle, to capture and reutilize the greenhouse gas of CO2 by aqueous hydrogenation for industry-useful CH3OH and to convert aqueous CH3OH solution by dehydrogenation for the clean energy of hydrogen (H2),
Titanium alloy has become one of the most popular biomaterials due to its excellent biocompatibility, mechanical property and corrosion resistance [1]. However, as an important medical material, there are still some problems with titanium alloys. For example, when used as a bone implant material, ...
For example, six different stacking orders of Cu, Sn, and Zn were electron-beam evaporated onto Mo/glass substrates to create 3-layered films29. It was found that the resulting morphol- ogies and compositions were different in different stacking orders, and a higher conversion efficiency can be...