出租AIRMAN PDSF750螺杆空压机 增压机 租赁 空气压缩机 油耗低 在线交易 48小时发货 少货必赔 破损包赔 北京志成机电设备租赁有限公司 5年 查看详情 ¥400.00/件 上海 贺尔碧格2立方进气阀 HF40 适用于日信 15KW 螺杆压缩机 灵 在线交易 48小时发货 少货必赔 破损包赔 上海灵意机电设备有限公司 6年 查...
In contrast, the Pd and Pt contents of the samples show significant differences, with the Kohistan and Yunnan hornblendites having relatively higher Pd (Kohistan: 2.13 to 4.37 ppb, Yunnan: 0.09 to 7.75 ppb) and Pt (Kohistan: 1.36 to 5.07 ppb, Yunnan: 0.02 to 6.70 ppb) contents than the...
ii) d9ions (Pd+and Pt+[91,92,93,94]): In these materials, an unusual oxidation state is stabilized by a metal–metal bonding [89]. Although these materials are metallic and opaque, ultrathin films have reasonably low sheet resistance and high transmittance, particularly in the near IR re...
GMP-001 重组抗PD-1全人单克隆抗体 1.0mg GMP-002 重组Her-2全人单克隆抗体 2mg/10mg GMP-003 鼠抗人CD3单克隆抗体 0.5mg/1mg GMP-004 鼠抗人CD28单克隆抗体 0.5mg/1mg GMP-005 重组人Activin A 50ug/1.0mg GMP-006 重组人脑源性神经营养因子(rhBDNF) 50ug/1.0mg GMP-007 重组人碱性成...
Monodispersed metal (Cu, Pd, Pt, Rh) nanoparticles have been anchored on reduced graphene oxide (rGO) by a facile electrochemical co-deposition method. Scanning electron microscopic images reveal the presence of homogeneously dispersed metal nanoparticles on the rGO nanosheets. The as-prepared ...
出租AIRMAN PDSF750螺杆空压机 增压机 租赁 空气压缩机 油耗低 在线交易 48小时发货 少货必赔 破损包赔 北京志成机电设备租赁有限公司 5年 查看详情 ¥1.36万/台 山东济宁 货到付款 KSZJ-15/14.5打井螺杆空压机 操作简单 送货上门 品质好 在线交易 24小时发货 少货必赔 破损包赔 济宁华矿机械设备有限公司 ...
(P t+ Pd) ≥016, 显示了岩浆晚期 分离流体和构造变质作用流体活化对岩浆 Cu2N i2 PGE 矿床的 Cu,P t 叠加富集成矿具有重要作用.金 川超大型岩浆 Cu2N i2PGE 矿床, 热液对成矿的贡献 早已被认识 (汤中立和李文渊, 1995) , 认为脉状和 网脉状 Cu 高品位矿石及 P t,Pd 富集体与热液作用 关系明显,...
Carbon dioxide conversion into valuable products using photocatalysis and electrocatalysis is an effective approach to mitigate global environmental issues and the energy shortages. Among the materials utilized for catalytic reduction of CO2, Cu-based materials are highly advantageous owing to their widespread...