Select conversion type: Rounding options: Convert Cubic Feet to Cubic Yards (cu ft to cu yd) ▶ Conversion Tablecubic yards to cubic feet cu yd cu ft 1 cu yd 27 cu ft 2 cu yd 54 cu ft 3 cu yd 81 cu ft 4 cu yd 108 cu ft 5 cu yd 135 cu ft 6 cu yd 162 cu ft 7...
200 cu ft to yard = 7.40741 yard Want other units? You can do the reverse unit conversion fromyard to cu ft, or enter any two units below: Definition: Cubic foot The cubic foot (symbols ft³, cu. ft.) is a nonmetric unit of volume, used in U.S. customary units and Imperial ...
立方英尺 to 立方英寸 如何從立方英寸轉換為立方英尺 1 立方英寸 相當於 0.00058 立方英尺: 1 cu in = 0.00058 cu ft 例如, 如果立方英寸的數字為(72000),則其等效的立方英尺的數字為(41.667). 公式: 72000 cu in = 72000 / 1728 cu ft = 41.667 cu ft ...
cubic yard = 100 / 27 ≈ 3.7037 cu yd Therefore, 100 cubic feet equal to 3.7037 cubic yards. Using the simple formula below, you can easily convert cubic feet to cubic yards. cu ft to cu yd conversion formula: cu yd = cu ft * 0.037037037 ...
Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1. cu ft- the volume equal to a cube one foot on each side cubic foot capacity measure,capacity unit,cubage unit,cubature unit,cubic content unit,cubic measure,displacement unit,volume unit- a unit of measurement of volume or capacity ...
CU.FT 立方英尺 CU.FT是立方英尺(Cubic Feet)的缩写。它是一种用于测量物体体积或容积的单位,通常用于英美系统中。一立方英尺等于长、宽、高均为1英尺的立方体的体积。具体而言,一个立方英尺等于0.028316立方米。 在国际贸易中,立方英尺通常用于描述货物的体积大小,以方便进行运输和结算。例如,一些特定的货物,如木材...
1. 立方英尺与升的换算关系是:1立方英尺(cu. ft.)等于28.316846592升(L)。2. 英尺作为长度单位,在不同语境下有着不同的换算标准。例如,1英尺等于0.00018939393939394英里,12英寸,30.48厘米,0.3048米,以及0.333333333333333333码。3. 英尺的词源可追溯至古代,它是一种以人脚长度为基准的长度...
1立方英尺( cu. ft.) = 28.316846592升(L)。1 foot 英尺(呎) = 0.00018939393939394miles(英里)=12 inches 英寸(吋) = 30.48 centimetres(厘米)=0.3048meters(米) = 0.333333333333333333yard(码) ;
1 cd-ft = 16 cu ft例如, 如果繩腳的數字為(43),則其等效的立方英尺的數字為(688). 公式: 43 cd-ft = 43 x 16 cu ft = 688 cu ft 從繩腳到立方英尺的轉換錶 繩腳(cd-ft)立方英尺 (cu ft) 1 cd-ft 16 cu ft 2 cd-ft 32 cu ft 3 cd-ft 48 cu ft 4 cd-ft 64 cu ft 5 ...